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From NPR News in Washington, I'm Jack Spier.
The 113 congress convene for the first time today, two days after last congress dramatically vote for avoid shark higher taxes and spending cuts. NPR David Waldman explains Senate leaders lay down new marks today for other looming budget battles. Debt ceiling must be raised that freeze on beat spending cuts expire and government funding runs out all in next three months. Senate Majority leader Harry Read says any deal would have to be balanced. Any future budget agreement must balance need for thought to spending reduction as the wealthy among us and closing with tax repress. But Senate GOP leader Mitch MCConnell says president Obama has realized republicans want spending cuts. Now he has tax increase he wants, he calls for balance, means he joined us in effort to achieve meaningful spending reform. MCConnell says debate over tax is over. David NPR news, the capital.
自上次议会戏剧性地投票反对大幅度增长税收缩减开支的两天后,113名国会议员于今天再次聚集在一起。 NPR记者大卫・沃尔德曼发来报道,议会领袖在这场迫在眉睫的预算危机中拓展出了新的进展。 债务上限必然会上升,财政政策到期,预算缩减,政府基金会在未来三个月内用光。 议会多数党领导人哈利・里德表示政府做出的任何裁决都需要权衡轻重维持平衡状态。 未来达成的任何协议必须权衡考虑减少富人支出,同时控制税收压力。 但议会共和党领导人米奇・麦康诺表示,总统奥巴马已经注意到民众希望减少支出。 现在他已经如愿增长了税收,他呼吁保持平衡,这就意味着他将加入我们的行列为减少开支而共同努力。 麦康诺表示,对于税收问题的讨论已经结束。大卫・沃尔德曼首都报道。