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AP News一分钟新闻:危地马拉庆祝玛雅历周期结束,世界末日没有来已上传0个录音

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This is AP News Minute.
A Republican plan to avoid the fiscal cliff came to an abrupt end. Plan B as it was called, would have kept tax rates down for most Americans, but would not have addressed the spending cuts that take effect January 1st. One of the two bank robbers who escaped from a prison in Chicago has been caught. The FBI says it found Joseph Banks is still in the Windy City. Banks and Kenneth Conley broke a huge hole in the jail wall and lowered themselves 20 stories with the bedsheet rope. Conley remains at large. Airlines are expecting travel to get back to normal Friday after a big winter-like storm canceled more than 1,000 flights Thursday. The storm dropped more than a foot of snow on some midwestern states. And Guatemala marked the end of the Mayan calendar cycle with a ceremony in front of a Mayan pyramid. The calendar's end had prompted speculation about the impending end of the world. Carlotta Bradley, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
共和党为避免“财政悬崖”抛出新计划。 共和党提出的B计划将继续减少大部分美国人的应纳税费,但不包括明年1月1日将要开始实施的缩减开支计划。 从芝加哥监狱逃跑的两名银行劫匪中的一名已被逮捕。 联邦调查员表示约瑟夫・班克斯还在芝加哥。 班克斯和肯尼斯・康利在监狱墙上凿了个大洞,然后利用床单绳索从20层的高楼逃出。康利依然在逃。 周二冬季寒流导致超过1千次航班取消,航空公司期望周五一切能回归常态。 这场风暴造成中西部一些州降雪超过1英尺。 危地马拉在玛雅金字塔前举办庆典庆祝玛雅日历一周期结束。 玛雅日历的结束引发了世界末日的猜测。 卡洛塔・布拉德利报道,美联社新闻一分钟。