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AP News一分钟新闻:飓风桑迪过,纽约市民乐观迎接感恩节已上传0个录音

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AP ShowBiz Minute
Halle Berry's ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry has been arrested after he and the actress' current partner, French actor Olivier Martinez, got in a fist fight at her home on Thanksgiving. Aubry was taken to a hospital for his injuries and was later booked for investigation of battery, then released on $20,000 bail. Berry and Aubry have been involved in a custody dispute involving their daughter Nahla. Madonna is no longer threat to minors in St. Petersburg. A local court threw out the Trade Union of Russian Citizens' lawsuit and the $ 10.7 million in damages it sought from the performer for allegedly promoting homosexuality to minors during a concert. The singer spoke up for gay rights during one of her Russian shows that drew fans as young as twelve. Chris Brown has canceled a stadium concert in Guyana after local protests over his 2009 beating of then-girlfriend Rihanna.
哈莉・贝瑞的前男友加伯利尔・奥布瑞于其现任男友, 法国演员奥利维耶・马丁内兹感恩节在哈莉・贝瑞的家大打出手。 奥布瑞受伤被送进医院,警方会对其展开问询,奥布瑞需交纳2万美金才可保释。 贝瑞和奥布瑞就女儿娜拉的监护权产生纠纷。 麦当娜不再是圣彼德斯堡市青少年的噩梦了。 一家地方法院以俄罗斯公民法案起诉麦当娜 在其演唱会上公然向青少年表示支持俄罗斯同性恋者,并罚以1千零7百万美元罚款。 麦当娜在俄罗斯一场演唱会上向主要为12岁的粉丝团发表支持同性恋权利的言论。 因当地人抗议曾与09年殴打女友蕾哈娜的布朗,克里斯・布朗被迫取消了圭亚那(拉丁美洲国家)的体育场演唱会。