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CRI News Report:海基会新任董事长林中森访问大陆 中国西气东输三线天然气管道工程开启已上传0个录音

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Lin Zhong-Sun, the new lead negotiator for Taiwan, has arrived here in Beijing for his first official visit.
The new head of the Straits Exchange Foundation is leading a 13-member delegation. Lin's time on the mainland will include a visit with his counterpart, Chen Yunlin. Lin Zhong-Sun replaces former SEF Chair Chiang Pin-kung, who resigned on September 27th. A strong cold front is sweeping across north and east China. The seasonal front is bringing rain and a large drop in temperatures as well. Some parts of north China can expect drops in temperature ranging between 10 and 12 degrees. Snow and strong winds are hitting Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and Gansu. Southern China meanwhile, is being pelted with heavy rains. Construction of the 3rd west-east natural gas pipeline here in China has officially been launched. The pipeline will run from Xinjiang to Fujian. The new line, when completed, is expected to carry some 30-billion cubic meters of natural gas every year.
海峡交流基金会新任董事长林中森携13人代表团访问大陆。 林中森此次访问大陆,将会与海协会会长陈云林会面。 2012年9月27日,前海基会董事长江丙坤辞职,林中森接任董事长职务。 一股强冷空气席卷中国北部和东部。 受冷空气影响,出现降雨天气和温度骤降。 预计中国北部一些地区降温将达到10度到12度。 内蒙古,黑龙江及甘肃等地将会出现降雪及强风天气。 同时,中国南部地区则是连续的强降雨天气。 中国西气东输三线天然气管道工程已经正式开启。 三线管道起自新疆终至福建。 这条管道建成后,预计每年将会输送300亿立方米左右的天然气。