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CRI News Report:国防部否认谣言 外交部再次申明已上传0个录音

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China's Defense Ministry has denied reports that the country is building a second aircraft carrier in Shanghai and it will be launched later this year.
Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun says such foreign media reports are "inaccurate." China's first aircraft carrier entered service earlier this week. The carrier, rebuilt from the Soviet ship Varyag, was renamed "Liaoning" and underwent years of refitting and sea trials. China is urging Japan to cease immediately all actions that infringe China's territorial integrity and sovereignty. The move comes following Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's remarks at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday when he claimed that the Diaoyu Islands "are an integral part" of Japan's territory. The Chinese Foreign Ministry says "China is strongly disappointed and sternly opposes the Japanese leader's obstinacy regarding his wrong position on the Diaoyu Islands issue." China has repeatedly stated that the country has sufficient historical evidence and legal basis to prove the Diaoyu Islands have been an inseparable part of Chinese territory since ancient times.
国防部发言人杨宇军说,一些外媒的报道完全“失实”。 本周早些时候,中国第一艘航母已经开始服役。 该航空母舰是由前苏联瓦良格号改建而成,它被重新命名为辽宁号,服役之前进行了为期数年的改装和试航。 中国敦促日本立即停止任何侵犯中国领土完整和国家主权的行为。 此举是鉴于周三时候日本首相野田佳彦在联合国大会中的言论,他声称钓鱼岛是日本领土“不可或缺的部分”。 中国外交部表示:“鉴于日本领导人在钓鱼岛问题上坚持错误观点,中国方面非常失望,并强烈反对这种观点。” 中国一再表示,中国有足够的历史证据和法律依据来证明钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国领土不可分割的一部分。