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CRI News Report:王立军判决15年 中日周年庆无期已上传0个录音

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Court in China has sentenced Wang Lijun to 15 years in prison for bending the law for selfish ends, defection, abuse of power and bribe-taking.
Wang, Chongqing's former vice mayor and police chief, was charged with several crimes and received a combined punishment for all offences. The verdict was announced by the Chengdu City Intermediate People's Court in southwest China's Sichuan Province. The central authorities here in China have postponed events scheduled for later this week which were meant to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations. Two associations set up by the government to organize the events says Japan's attitude over the Diaoyu Islands is the reason for the postponement. The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the China-Japan Friendship Association says the events will be "adjusted to an appropriate time." The events were scheduled to take place on Thursday in Beijing. The groups statements say "the atmosphere has been ruined" due to Japanese government's "purchase" of parts of the Diaoyu Islands and its "nationalization" plan.
王是重庆前任副市长和公安局长,此次受审因所犯之罪而被数罪并罚。 这项判决是由中国西南城市四川省成都市的中级人民法院宣布的。 中国中央领导推迟了原定于本周的周年庆典活动,该庆典原本是用来庆祝中日双方邦交关系正常化40周年而筹办的。 承办该活动的两个机构说,日本方面在钓鱼岛问题上的争端是中方决定推迟庆典的主要原因。 中国人民对外友好协会和中日友好协会表示,庆典活动将“调整到一个合适的时间。” 此次活动原本定于在周二时候在北京举行。 这两个组织说,由于日本政府的“购买”部分钓鱼岛领土并将其“国有化”的计划,举办中日友好周年庆典的“气氛已经不复存在”。