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成长的烦恼第六季 第24集:Viva Las Vegas

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Mike: Stop there, we're gonna crash!
Kate: Wait, wait, just don't move.
Mike: OK, alright, thank you.
Kate: You know, Mike, I had great time tonight.
Mike: Oh, I did too, Kate.
Kate: And I had a great time last night.
Mike: Oh, me too, Kate.
Kate: You know, maybe we should start dating again.
Mike: Kate, I don't know when we'd have the time. I spend every night with you.
Kate: I know, that's what I mean. Maybe we should be dating dating.
Mike: Oh, I get it, I get it. You want me to come to the door instead of honking.
Kate: No. Well, yes actually. But it would be nice if we were officially seeing each other, and I
know that the idea of commitment frightens you...
Mike: Wow...smell that? Something's burning.
Kate: Why do you always run when I bring up the subject of dating?
Mike: Kate, look, I don't....Aarrghh!
Kate: Arrgghh!
Mike: Look out! Oh.
Eddy: You guys scared the heck out of me.
Mike: Oh, come on Eddy, this is my apartment.
Eddy: Alright, apology accepted.
Mike: Come on, Eddy, come on, get out!
Eddy: No, no, Mike, I got something real important to tell you.
Kate: Eddy, Mike and I are talking about something important too.
Mike: Yeah, Eddy, we were talking about... Eddy, how you doing? Long time no see.
Eddy: No, no! I can't hold this in any longer! Michael, Kate, I'm getting married. Yeah, I was
struck dumb with joy at first too.

Kate: Eddy!
Mike: What are you talking about? You getting married, yeah right!
Eddy: Hey, I'm serious, Mike. Now, I know in the past I may have been a little foot loose...I
suppose you could even say...what's the word?
Mike: Sleazy.
Eddy: Yeah. But I'm a changed man. And if it weren't for you and Kate, I never would have
met my beloved Tina.
Mike: W...wait a minute. Tina! Not Tina the hat check girl.
Eddy: She does so many things. Now you guys were there for the start of our romance and
we'd like you there for the end. You're my best friend, Michael, will you give me away?
Mike: Eddy, I can't believe this, you're actually getting married! Hey, look, look, before you do
anything just go downstairs and spend ten minutes with my parents.
Kate: Mike! Come on, this is wonderful news. It's not something to joke about. Marriage is a
very beautiful and serious thing, right Eddie?
Tina: Yoo hoo, Eddie! Wait till you see my trousseaux.
Eddy: It doesn't get any more serious than this.

Ben: And now, for the tip off... Yeah! Seaver scores again! I gotta get me some friends.
Eddy: Get out of the way, squid lips!
Ben: What a cool machine.
Eddy: Yeah, well while I'm upstairs talking to Mike, feel free to sniff the upholstery. Ya!!! What
are you doing sleeping? Come on, we got a wedding to go to.
Mike: Ah! Wedding! Come on, it's morning.
Eddy: Yeah, but we have to get to Vegas.
Mike: Vegas! As in, Las Vegas!
Eddy: Well, that's where the wedding is.
Mike: Oh, come on, Eddy, you didn't tell me that last night.
Eddy: Well as my best man, you're supposed to know these things. Come on. Listen, we'll fly
to Vegas, have the wedding, see naughty girls on ice, we should be back by Monday.
Mike: Oh, come on, man, this is crazy.
Eddy: No, no, wait till you see 'em skate. OK, here's the tickets. Here's the
there anything I'm forgetting?
Mike: Blood tests.
Eddy: Na! I don't need 'em. I could marry a chimpanzee and no-one would care; that's the
beauty of Vegas.
Mike: OK.
Ben: Hey Eddy, these seats taste better than they smell!
Eddy: Ben, quit slobbering in my car! One more thing, Mike; I'd appreciate it if you'd keep this
whole marriage thing a secret.
Mike: Why?
Eddy: My parents aren't too happy about it. I told them, Tina and I were engaged, my Mom
flung herself out of the window.

Chrissy: Ben said he'll have the limo back in ten minutes. He wants Laura-Lynn to sniff the
upholstery too.
Eddy: Ben! Ben!
Chrissy: If you want me to clean this dump, then I want my two Bucks in advance.
Mike: Oh, hey, you trust me don't you kiddo?
Chrissy: What am I, Ben?
Mike: OK. Alright, OK. Two Dollars.
Chrissy: Where are you going?
Mike: Ah...I'm going to...err...I'm going on a little trip with Eddie.
Chrissy: Whose rings are these?
Mike: Ah...those are mine.
Chrissy: What are you doing with wedding rings? You're not married, are you?
Mike: Ah look, on second thoughts I really don't need your help, OK? Alright, move it out.
Let's go. (on the phone) Hello. Yeah, Kate start packing your bags. This wedding is in Vegas.

Maggie: Where's Mike? You know I called up the garage about ten minutes ago. Have you seen
him, Jason?
Jason: No.
Chrissy: He said he was going on a trip with Eddie. But he didn't go with Eddie, he went with
Jason: He's out with Kate, on a date!
Chrissy: He took a whole lot of underwear.
Ben: Mike went on a trip with Eddie.
Chrissy: He went on a trip with Kate.
Ben: Eddie!
Chrissy: Kate!! Who are you gonna believe; your daughter who's reading at second grade level,
or shallow head here?
Ben: That's what you know. I say Eddie pick Mike up in a limo to take him to Vegas to get
Jason: What?
Maggie: What?
Ben: Why would Mike marry Eddie?
Jason: Wow, wait a minute, let's... Don't panic, this might be another one of Ben's bone-head
Maggie: In a limo, Jason, with lots of underwear.
Chrissy: And wedding rings.
Maggie: Oh, Jason, what are we gonna do?
Carol: I'd just like to point out that there's no need to think that Mike's making a mistake just
because your marriage's turned out the way it has.
Jason: You know Maggie, she's right.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
groom [gru:m]


n. 马夫,新郎,男仆
vt. 刷洗,照看马,

err [ə:]


v. 犯错,做错 v. 偏离,入歧途

panic ['pænik]


n. 恐慌
adj. 惊慌的

rib [rib]


n. 肋骨,肋状物
vt. 装肋于,用肋状物支

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

chapel ['tʃæpəl]


n. 小礼拜堂,礼拜仪式,私人祈祷处,唱诗班,印刷厂工会

relieved [ri'li:vd]


adj. 放心的,放松的,免除的

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

pointless ['pɔintlis]


adj. 不尖的,钝的,不得要领的





