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成长的烦恼第五季 第15集

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Radio: It's two twenty five am and this is for all you lovers who still believe she's stuck in
Mike: Yeah, that's probably it, Kate's probably just stuck in traffic, I mean, the theatre is all
the way across campus. OK, I'll give her five more minutes, if she's not here by two thirty, I'm
going home.
(In Mike's head from the play in the last episode)
Kate: I can't decide my whole life in a moment.
Mike: Well a moment's all we got.
Kate: Oh, Oh Mike!
Mike: Oh Kate, I can't hide my feelings from you any more; I wish I could but I can't. Maybe
this is wrong!
Kate: No, no, it's not wrong.
Mike: Look, we'll explain to David.
Kate: Yeah, yeah, we'll just tell him that we didn't plan for it to happen.
Mike: And...and that we didn't even want it to happen.
Kate: Yeah, he'll understand.
Mike: Oh, yeah, he's a great guy.
Kate: Ah, he's a great great guy!
Mike: A great guy.
David: Guys, you guys were great! Oh look, honey, I know I've been a total jerk for the last
few weeks, but I know we can get things back the way they were, Katie. I love you.
Professor Thorn: Alright people, it's time for the bows.
David: Let's go!
Mike: Oh man, where could she be? The play's been over for hours.
Radio: Two thirty in the morning and by the way, there's no traffic...anywhere! She's not
Mike: Alright, alright, I'll give her five minutes and then I'm out of here. Alright, alright, one
more minute and I'm calling it a night.
Jason: I know how you feel.
Mike: Hi Dad, err...what are you doing still up?
Jason: Getting the morning paper.
Mike: Oh.
Jason: You just getting in?
Mike: Err...
Jason: You spent the night at Kate's, didn't you?
Mike: Err...
Jason: Don't deny it Mike, I saw the way you kissed her!
Mike: Err...
Jason: That's where you were, wasn't it?
Mike: Err...Yeah.
Jason: Ah, God, I'm glad your mother isn't alive to hear this.
Mike: What?
Jason: I'm sorry, it's early, I'm a little groggy; I had to come up with something.
Mike: Well, relax Dad, I spent the whole night in my car...alone, waiting for Kate.
Jason: Oh, Mike, that's pathetic.
Mike: Thank you Dad, for that boost.
Jason: Sorry Mike, I didn't think we'd hit on anything this important before my morning coffee.
Where you going?
Mike: Up to my room so I can shower and get to school, find out where Kate's first class is,
get there and ask her where she was last night. Or is that too pathetic for you?
Jason: Well now that you bring it up, Mike, yeah! You know, Mike, if this girl that you say is so
nuts about you isn't coming home all night, maybe you're misinterpreting her feelings for you.
Hey, just...just don't go out of your way to talk to her.
Mike: I don't have to Dad, she's in my drama class!
Jason: You're missing the point; you can't go chasing this girl around; not until she's worked
out whatever she has to work out with her boyfriend. You gotta find another class, find
another girl, find two, find three!
Mike: Oh, so just to be honourable, I'm supposed to switch to the seven am drama class, and
I'm then supposed to distract myself with one beautiful girl after another, after another, after
Jason: Well, what do you want to hear from me, Mike? You wanna hear, forget honour? Forget
about hurting David? Hey, just go for it.
Mike: That would be good.
Jason: Well, you came to the wrong guy.
Professor Thorn: Alright, present this to the registrar, and I will see you tomorrow morning at
seven a.m sharp. Mr. Seaver, you're entitled to switch your classes around, of course, but you
don't strike me as the sort of student who would relish an early morning commencement to
his academic day.
Mike: Err...pardon me.
Professor Thorn: I never pegged you for an early bird geek.
Mike: Well, I'm half geek on my sister's side. Oh, err...pardon me.
Cindy: Any time. Professor Thorn, I worked real hard, like you said, and I think I've finally got
Shakespeare. S. H. A. K...
Jason: (In Mike's head) Find another girl Mike.
Cindy: No, no, no, don't help me!
Professor Thorn: Would that I could, Cynthia.
Cindy: Darn, it's always the vowels.
Professor Thorn: Yes.
Mike: it's OK.
Cindy: No, I'm sure there's no O in either word.
Mike: See I...
Cindy: N! D! Y! That's my name!
Mike: You know, you know, you're perfect for me.
Cindy: Wait a second, Mike. We've been in this class together all semester and you've never
given me the time of day.
Mike: Well...well that's because I guess I've never been ready for a girl like you. You know,
hey what about tonight? Maybe a movie, dinner, just a fun night with no spelling whatsoever.
What do you say?
Cindy: I say, Y. E. X.
Mike: Very, very good. Errm...listen, I gotta get out of here.
Kate: Mike, class is this way.
Mike: Oh, I transferred out.
Kate: Mike, hold on.
Mike: Listen Kate, your class is starting.
Kate: Well, I'd like to talk about this.
Mike: I know, but your class is starting.
Kate: Look, I wanted to call you last night, see what I want you...
Cindy: Mike, about tonight, I forgot what time you were picking me up.
Mike: Oh, err, well I didn't say.
Cindy: Oh, oh good, now I don't feel so bad.
Mike: Cindy, Cindy, Eight o' clock.
Cindy: Oh, oh, OK. I'll remember this time.
Mike: Ah, ah, so you were gonna say that you wanted to call me.
Kate: Class is starting.
Mike: Ooh, David.
David: Hey, Mike, if we don't watch where we're going, one of us is gonna get hurt.
Mike: Tell me about it.
Cindy: I'm still confused.
Mike: OK, OK, what exactly didn't you get about the movie?
Cindy: Well, why does Chevy Chase keep going on vacation when only bad things happen?
Mike: Well, because...err... Heck, I don't know.
Cindy: OK, OK, well then how come he never notices that he has different kids?
Mike: Errm...look Cindy, I don't know about you, but sometimes thinking too much gives me a
head ache.
Cindy: You're so wise, Mike.
Mike: Cindy, I can't do this.
Cindy: Oh, right, oh...better?
Mike: No, no, no, Cindy, it has nothing to do with your breath, it's just that, when I asked you
out I...I did it for not the normal reasons.
Cindy: What exactly are you into?
Ben: Mike, Mom says to tell you... Well hello.
Cindy: Hi, I'm Cindy.
Ben: And I'm actually taller than you are.
Mike: Err, Ben, Mom said to tell me what?
Ben: To share, share.
Mike: Ben, get out! Get out! Get out!
Ben: Oh, am I in the way here? Say no more.
Mike: Oh...err...Ben, I didn't mean...
Ben: I know what you mean.
Cindy: Now, where were we?
Mike: Look Cindy, I'm trying to explain to you; I only went out with you as a diversion. I mean,
I only wanted you for you body.
Cindy: What a coincidence! I only want...I only wanted you for my body, too!
Mike: Cindy!
Cindy: Mike, is there something wrong with me?
Mike: Alright! Alright, alright, I'll just come out with and say it; it's your...your spelling.
David: Mike, I have to... Ooh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything here.
Cindy: Don't worry, you didn't. Mike, please don't take this the wrong way, you're a dud.
David: Mike, I have to talk to you.
Mike: Sure, OK.
David: I gotta ask you a flavour.
Mike: OK, ask.
David: I gotta find out what's bothering Kate.
Mike: Ah ha.
David: Something's changed.
Mike: Ah ha.
David: She's talking about...needing some space, re-defining our relationship, our needs,
crazy stuff.
Mike: Ah ha.
David: I can't talk to her.
Mike: Ah ha.
David: Will you?
Mike: Will I what?
David: Will you talk to her?
Mike: You mean, about what's bothering her?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
darn [dɑ:n]


v. 织补 n. 补钉 int. 该死(damn的委婉语

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

interrupt [.intə'rʌpt]


v. 打断,打扰,中止,中断
n. [计算机]

strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

diversion [dai'və:ʒən]


n. 转向,转移,娱乐活动

wishful ['wiʃful]


adj. 渴望的,愿望的;寄予希望的

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

chase [tʃeis]


n. 追求,狩猎,争取
vt. 追捕,狩猎

switch [switʃ]


n. 开关,转换,鞭子
v. 转换,改变,交换

assume [ə'sju:m]


vt. 假定,设想,承担; (想当然的)认为


关键字: 日本 萝莉




