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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


1. Boldface Names | 2 p.m.
1. 粗体的名称 | 下午两点

Download the free Central Park app to your smartphone. Its map allows you to pinpoint where you are, but more interesting, the app has audio clips of celebrities like Jerry Seinfeld welcoming you to the Mall and Literary Walk, or Whoopi Goldberg discussing Wollman Rink (where she learned to ice skate). Then, pretend you’re an aristocrat in a Merchant Ivory film and step through one of the iron gates near 105th Street and Fifth Avenue into the formal, six-acre Conservatory Garden (an official quiet zone), which is divided into three garden styles: French, Italian and English (don’t miss the Frances Hodgson Burnett Memorial Fountain with its sculptures of a boy and a girl, created in honor of the author of “The Secret Garden”). In the Italian garden, climb the stairs to the tall wisteria pergola, sit on a shady bench and observe the 12-foot-tall jet fountain below. Now is a good time to press play on the app and listen to Candice Bergen discuss the gardens. Before leaving, look down. At your feet, medallions etched into the ground carry the names of the original 13 states, including New York.

在你的智能手机上下载免费的中央公园应用软件。它带有地图,可以精确定位你所在的位置,但更有趣的是该应用里有许多名人的音频片段,比如杰瑞·宋飞(Jerry Seinfeld)欢迎你来到购物中心与文学大道,伍比·戈德堡(Whoopi Goldberg)介绍沃尔曼溜冰场,她就是在那里学会溜冰的。然后,假装自己是莫谦特和艾弗里(Merchant Ivory)电影作品中的贵族,款款走过第105大街和第五大道附近的一座铁门,就正式踏进了方圆六英亩的保护区花园(一片真正宁静的地方),分为三种园林风格,分别是法兰西、意大利和英伦风。不要错过了弗朗西丝·哈德逊·伯奈特(Frances Hodgson Burnett,英语世界著名的儿童文学作家——译注)纪念喷泉,它的雕塑是一个男孩和一个女孩,向该作家的名作《秘密花园》(The Secret Garden)致敬。在意大利花园,可以拾级而上,登上一座高高的紫藤绿廊,坐在绿荫下的长椅上,观赏下面能喷射12英尺高水柱的喷泉。现在,打开应用,按下“播放”键,听坎迪斯·伯根(Candice Bergen)介绍这座园林,真是太合适了。离开之前,低头望一眼,会发现你脚下的地面上镶嵌着许多大大的圆形图案,上面刻着美国最初十三个州的名称,包括纽约州。




