In theory, you should be able to digest just about any type of food you put in your mouth. But changes in food processing and preparation (think fried) not to mention lifestyle (think sedentary) mean our stomachs don't always react well to everything we eat.It's best to avoid some food — like fatty meats — to avoid upset tummies.
从理论上讲,人们应该可以消化放到嘴里的任何类型的食物。但是食物处理和加工方式的变化(如油炸)以及生活方式的变化(如久坐不动)意味着我们的胃并不总能很好地消化我们吃下去的食物,所以对胃不好的一些食物(如肥肉)我们应该避免。 High-Fat And Fried Food 高脂肪和油炸食品 Both high-fat and fried food can overwhelm the stomach, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn. " 高脂肪和油炸食品会压垮胃,导致胃酸倒流和胃灼烧。