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新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List28:Unit9

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
conflagration .
【考法 1】 n. 大火: a large destructive fire
【例】 All the stock was destroyed in a warehouse conflagration. 仓库里所有的货物都被一场大火烧毁了。
【近】 holocaust, inferno
【考法 2】 n. 武装冲突,战争: a state of armed violent struggle between states, nations, or groups
【例】 What began as a skirmish over disputed territory erupted into a conflagration that swept the continent.
【近】 conflict, war, warfare
【反】 peace 和平;truce 休战
crow .
【考法 1】 vi. 感到高兴: to feel or express joy or triumph
【例】 Being the home of the new Super Bowl champs was the first thing that city residents had to crow about in a very long time. 当地的队伍获得超级碗冠军队伍是这个城市居民长期以来得以感到高兴的第一件事情。
【近】 delight, exuberate, glory, jubilate, joy, rejoice, triumph
【反】 bemoan, bewail, grieve, lament, weep 感到悲伤,叹息
【考法 2】 vi. 自鸣得意: to praise or express pride in one's own possessions, qualities, or accomplishments often to excess
【例】 He is already crowing over his victory. 他已经在那里为自己的胜利而自鸣得意了。
【近】 blow, brag, swagger, vapor, vaunt
dashing .
【考法 1】 adj. 爱好冒险的,大胆的: inclined or willing to take risks
【例】 the dashing heroes in stories about the American West 美国西部故事中那些勇敢无畏的英雄
【近】 adventurous, audacious, daring, emboldened, enterprising, gutsy, nerved, nervy, venturous
【反】 cowardly, craven, pusillanimous, timid, timorous 胆小的
dated .
【考法 1】 adj. 过时的: having passed its time of use or usefulness; out-of-date
【例】 His jokes are awfully dated, referring to things that happened years ago. 他的笑话全是些关于几年前的事情的过时货。
【近】 antiquated, archaic, fossilized, medieval, moribund, moth-eaten, obsolete, outdated, outmoded, outworn, prehistoric, rusty
【反】 contemporary, current, modern, recent 当前的,现代的
dependable .
【考法 1】 adj. 可靠的,值得信赖的: capable of being depended on
【例】 a dependable source of income 可靠的收入来源‖He was a good friend and a dependable companion.
【近】 calculable, reliable, responsible, safe, secure, solid, trustable, trustworthy
【反】 undependable, unreliable, unsafe, untrustworthy 不值得信赖的
deplorable .
【考法 1】 adj. 可鄙的,可耻的: worthy of severe condemnation or reproach
【例】 We will not tolerate such deplorable behavior in a house of worship. 我们绝不能容许这样一种可鄙的行为出现在礼拜堂中。
【近】 despicable, dirty, grubby, lousy, mean, nasty, paltry, scurvy, wretched
【反】 admirable, commendable, creditable, laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy 值得表扬的
【考法 2】 adj. 悲惨的,可悲的: of a kind to cause great distress
【例】 Many of them work under deplorable conditions. 许多人的工作环境十分悲惨。
【近】 distressful, distressing, grievous, heartbreaking, heartrending, lamentable, tragic, unfortunate, woeful dike .
【考法 1】 n. 堤坝,水坝: a bank usually of earth constructed to control or confine water
【例】 An elaborate system of dikes was built to protect the lowlands from the relentless onslaught of the sea. 建立了一套精密复杂的堤坝系统,使低地不再受到海水的无情侵袭。
【近】 dam, embankment, levee
【考法 2】 n. 水沟,水渠: a long narrow channel dug in the earth
【例】 Water flowed along the dike to the small pond. 水沿着沟渠流入小池塘。
【近】 ditch, gutter, trench
escort .
【考法 1】 n. 护卫队,护送者: a person or group of persons accompanying another to give protection or as a courtesy
【例】 The mayor served as the First Lady's escort for her tour of the city. 市长陪同第一夫人参观了城市。
【近】 attendant, companion, guard, guide
【考法 2】 vt. 同行,护送: to go along with in order to provide assistance, protection, or companionship
【例】 Asenior student from the college escorted my parents and me on our tour of the campus. 来自学院的一个师兄陪同我和我父母参观了校园。‖a VIP escorted by an army of bodyguards and journalists 被一群保镖和记者包围的重要人物
【近】 accompany, attend, chaperone, companion, company, convoy, squire
【反】 abandon, desert, ditch, dump, forsake 抛弃,不顾
felony .
【考法 1】 n. 重罪: one of several grave crimes, such as murder, rape, or burglary, punishable by a more stringent sentence than that given for a misdemeanor
【例】 a felony punishable by life imprisonment 可被判处无期徒刑的重罪
【近】 crime
【反】 misdemeanor, peccadillo 轻罪
grumble .
【考法 1】 vi. (尤指低声地)抱怨,埋怨: to complain in a surly manner; mutter discontentedly
【例】 The governed will always find something to grumble about. (Crane Brinton) 被统治者总能找到发牢骚的理由。--瑞恩·布林顿
【近】 carp, croak, fuss, gripe, grouch, grouse, grump, moan, murmur, mutter, repine
【反】 crow, delight, rejoice 感到高兴
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source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

lament [lə'ment]


n. 悲叹,悔恨,恸哭
v. 哀悼,悔恨,悲叹

grieve [gri:v]


v. 使 ... 悲伤

distress [dis'tres]


n. 痛苦,苦恼,不幸
vt. 使痛苦,使苦恼

trustworthy ['trʌst.wə:ði]


adj. 可信赖的

forsake [fə'seik]


v. 放弃,断念,抛弃

attendant [ə'tendənt]


adj. 伴随的
n. 服务员,侍从,伴随物,

distressing [dis'tresiŋ]


adj. 使人痛苦的,令人烦恼的 动词词distress

unreliable ['ʌnri'laiəbl]


adj. 不可靠的

archaic [ɑ:'keiik]


adj. 已不通用的,古老的,古代的





