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新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List29:Unit2

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
【考法 1】 vt. 拧,扭动: to pull, force, or move by violent wringing or twisting movements
【例】 wrest the lid off this pickle jar 把泡菜罐的盖子拧下来
【近】 twist, wrench, wring
【考法 2】 vt. 辛苦地获得: to gain with difficulty by or as if by force, violence, or determined labor
【例】 farmers who were used to wresting a living from the barren land 一度依靠贫瘠的土地恶劣度日的农民
【近】 scrape, scrounge, squeeze
complacent .
【考法 1】 adj. 自满的,自鸣得意的: feeling or showing an often excessive or unjustified satisfaction and pleasure in one's status, possessions, or attainments
【例】 a complacent junior accountant who was certain of her indispensability to the company 一个确信自己对于公司而言无可替代而自满的年轻会计
【近】 assured, consequential, egoistic, overweening, pompous, prideful, proud, smug, vain, vainglorious
【反】 egoless, humble, modest, uncomplacent 谦逊的,谦卑的
【考法 2】 adj. 无所谓的,不关心的: having or showing a lack of interest or concern
【例】 We can't afford to be complacent about rural illiteracy rates. 我们不能对农村的文盲率坐视不理。
【近】 apathetic, casual, disinterested, insouciant, nonchalant, perfunctory, pococurante, unconcerned
【反】 attentive, concerned, heedful, interested, mindful 关注的,感兴趣的
【派】 complacency n. 自满
imposter .
【考法 1】 n. 冒名顶替者,骗子: one that assumes false identity or title for the purpose of deception
【例】 The man who claimed to be my townsman turned out to be an impostor. 那个自称是我老乡的人结果是个骗子。
【近】 charlatan, fake, fraud, hoaxer, humbug, mountebank, phony, pretender, quack, quacksalver, ringer, sham incumbent
【考法 1】 adj. 义不容辞的,必须的: imposed as an obligation or duty
【例】 It is incumbent upon individuals to sacrifice for their country when it is in danger. 当国家受难时,个人应该义不容辞地为国做出牺牲。‖It is incumbent upon the press to act not in its own best interests, but in society's best interests. 对于媒体来说,为社会的利益(而非自身利益)服务是其应尽的义务。
【近】 compulsory, forced, imperative, incumbent, involuntary, necessary, obligatory, peremptory, required
【反】 elective, optional, voluntary 可选择的
splinter .
【考法 1】 n. 尖细条,刺: a sharp, slender piece, as of wood, bone, glass, or metal, split or broken off from a main body
【例】 She got a splinter from the unfinished wall. 她的手被还没有装修的墙扎了一根刺。
【近】 chip, flake, sliver, spall, splint
【反】 chunk, slab 厚板
【考法 2】 vt. 切成细条: to split or break into sharp, slender pieces
【例】 splintered the carrots into little sticks 把胡萝卜切成丝
【近】 slice
【考法 1】 vt. 校准,调校: to check, adjust, or determine by comparison with a standard (the graduations of a quantitative measuring instrument)
【例】 We need to calibrate the sextants navigation. 我们要为航行校准六分仪。
【近】 adjust, align, gauge, graduate, measure
【派】 calibration n. 校准
【考法 1】 vi. 表示怜悯,同情: to feel or express sympathy
【例】 commiserated over their failure 对他们的失败表示同情‖We commiserated with him but there was little we could do to make the situation better. 我们很同情他的遭遇,但是也只能表示无能为力。
【近】 ache, bleed, compassionate, condole, sympathize, yearn
【考法 1】 n. (尤指法律条文等正式的)废除,废弃: the doing away with something by formal action
【例】 the nullification of a treaty 废除条约
【近】 abolishment, abrogation, annulment, cancellation, invalidation, negation, repeal, rescindment, voiding
【反】 enactment, legislation 立法;establishment, founding, institution 建立
behoove .
【考法 1】 vt. 对…有利的: to be necessary, proper or advantageous for
【例】 It behooves you at least to try. 你至少也应该尝试一下。
【近】 befit, beseem, fit, serve, suite
【考法 1】 adj. 粗糙的,表面不平整的: not having a level or smooth surface
【例】 the coarse surface of the sandpaper 砂纸的粗糙表面
【近】 broken, bumpy, irregular, jagged, lumpy, pebbly, ragged, rough, roughened, rugged, scraggy
【反】 even, flat, level, plane 表面平整的;smooth 表面光滑的
【考法 2】 adj. (声音)刺耳的: harsh, raucous, or rough in tone
【例】 a coarse laugh from the living room 客厅里传来的一阵刺耳笑声
【近】 croaking, croaky, grating, gravel, gruff, husky, rasping, raspy, rusty, scratchy, throaty
【反】 gentle, gliding, golden, liquid, mellifluent, mellifluous, mellow, soothing, sweet, tender (声音)柔美的
【考法 3】 adj. 粗俗的: lacking in delicacy or refinement
【例】 They don't know how to behave, and are coarse and insulting. 他们不知道平常的行为礼节,因此显得粗俗而冒犯。
【近】 crass, crude, gross, incult, lowbred, raffish, rude, uncouth, uncultivated, unpolished, unrefined, vulgar
【反】 civilized, cultivated, cultured, genteel, polished, refined, smooth, tasteful 有教养的,举止得体的
【考法 4】 adj. (质量)低劣的: of low, common, or inferior quality
【例】 coarse imitations of quality merchandise 高级商品的粗劣仿制品
【近】 execrable, inferior, lousy, mediocre, miserable, rotten, rubbishy, shoddy, sleazy, terrible, trashy, wretched
【反】 excellent, fine, superior (品质)优良的
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cultivated ['kʌltiveitid]


adj. 栽植的,有教养的

miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

pompous ['pɔmpəs]


adj. 傲慢的,自大的,浮华的

vulgar ['vʌlgə]


adj. 通俗的,粗俗的

imperative [im'perətiv]


n. 命令,诫命,需要,祈使语气
adj. 命

advantageous [.ædvən'teidʒəs]


adj. 有利的,有助的,有益的

nonchalant ['nɔnʃələnt]


adj. 不关心的,冷淡的

deception [di'sepʃən]


n. 骗局,诡计,欺诈

jagged ['dʒægid]


adj. 锯齿状的,参差不齐的 动词jag的过去式和过去

sliver ['slivə]


n. 裂片,细片,梳毛 v. 纵切,切成长片,剖开





