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世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第9章Part 6

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

"You won't see me," Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía said. "Put on your shoes and help me get this shitty war over with."

When he said it he did not know that it was easier to start a war than to end one. It took him almost a year of fierce and bloody effort to force the government to propose conditions of peace favorable to the rebels and another year to convince his own partisans of the convenience of accepting them. He went to inconceivable extremes of cruelty to put down the rebellion of his own officers, who resisted and called for victory, and he finally relied on enemy forces to make them submit.他这么说的时候,还不知道结束战争比发动战争困难得多。为了迫使政府提出有利于起义者的和平条件,他需要进行一年血腥、残酷的战斗;而让自己的人相信接受这些条件的必要性,又需要一年的工夫。他的军官们不愿出卖胜利,发动了起义;他镇压这些起义,残酷到了难以想象的地步,甚至不惜依靠敌人的力量坚决粉碎这些抵抗。
He was never a greater soldier than at that time. The certainty that he was finally fighting for his own liberation and not for abstract ideals, for slogans that politicians could twist left and right according to the circumstances, filled him with an ardent enthusiasm. Colonel Geri-neldo Márquez, who fought for defeat with as much conviction and loyalty as he had previously fought for victory, reproached him for his useless temerity. "Don't worry," he would say, smiling. "Dying is much more difficult than one imagines." In his case it was true. The certainty that his day was assigned gave him a mysterious immunity, an immortality or a fixed period that made him invulnerable to the risks of war and in the end permitted him to win a defeat that was much more difficult, much more bloody and costly than victory.他决不是当时一个比较出色的军人。他相信他终归是为自身的解放、而不是为抽象的理想和口号进行战斗(政客们善于根据情况不断变换这些口号),所以充满了热情。就象以前为了胜利而坚定不移地作战一样,为失败作战的格林列尔多·马克斯上校指责了奥雷连诺上校不必要的蛮勇。“不用担心,”奥雷连诺上校微笑着说。“死亡比想象的困难得多。”对他来说,确实如此。他相信自己的死期是预先注定了的,这种信心给了他一种神秘的免疫力——在预定的期限之前不死;这种免疫力使他在战争的危险中不受伤害,使他最终能够赢得失败——赢得失败比赢得胜利困难得多,需要更大的流血和牺牲。
In almost twenty years of war, Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía had been at his house many times, but the state of urgency with which he always arrived, the military retinue that accompanied him everywhere, the aura of legend that glowed about his presence and of which even úrsula was aware, changed him into a stranger in the end. The last time that he was in Macondo and took a house for his three concubines, he was seen in his own house only on two or three occasions when he had the time to accept an invitation to dine. Remedios the Beauty and the twins, born during the middle of the war, scarcely knew him. Amaranta could not reconcile her image of the brother who had spent his adolescence making little gold fishes with that of the mythical warrior who had placed a distance of ten feet between himself and the rest of humanity. But when the approach of the armistice became known and they thought that he would return changed back into a human being, delivered at last for the hearts of his own people, the family feelings, dormant for such a long time, were reborn stronger than ever.奥雷连诺上校在将近二十年的战争中,曾经多次回到他的家里,可是,他那经常的匆忙状态,卫队簇拥的神气样儿,几乎具有传奇色彩的荣誉光环(甚至乌苏娜对这种光坏也不能漠然视之),终于使他变成了一个陌生人。上一次来到马孔多的时候,他为三个情妇租了一间房子,只抽空应邀回家吃过两三次饭)跟家里的人相见。俏姑娘雷麦黛丝和战争中期出生的孪生子几乎不认得他。阿玛兰塔怎么也无怯使哥哥的形象和传奇勇士的形象一致起来;前者是在制作小金鱼的工作中度过青年时代的,后者却在自己和其他的人之间设置了三米的距离。然而,停战的消息传来的时候,大家以为奥雷连诺上校很快就会回到家里,重新变成一个得到亲人喜爱的普通人,长久蛰伏的亲“人感情也就复苏了,而且比以前更加强烈。
"We'll finally have a man in the house again," úrsula said.“咱们家里终于又有一个男人啦,”乌苏娜说。
Amaranta was the first to suspect that they had lost him forever. One week before the armistice, when he entered the house without an escort, preceded by two barefoot orderlies who deposited on the porch the saddle from the mule and the trunk of poetry, all that was left of his former imperial baggage, she saw him pass by the sewing room and she called to him. Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía had trouble recognizing her.阿玛兰塔第一个认为她们已经永远失去了他。停战之前一个星期,他回到了家里:没有侍从,只有两个赤足的勤务兵走在前头,把骡子的鞍俸和翰具以及一小箱诗篇放在廊上——这是奥雷连诺上校往日那种堂皇的行装中唯一剩下的东西;他走过阿玛兰塔房间旁边的时候,她叫了他一声。奥雷连诺上校仿佛想不起在他面前的是谁。
"It's Amaranta," she said good-humoredly, happy at his return, and she showed him the hand with the black bandage. "Look."“我是阿玛兰塔,”她看见哥哥归来感到高兴,亲热地说,并且让他看看缠着黑绷带的手。“瞧吧。”
Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía smiled at her the same way as when he had first seen her with the bandage on that remote morning when he had come back to Macon-do condemned to death.奥雷连诺上校就象那个遥远的早晨一样微微一笑,当时他被判处死刑以后回到了马孔多,第一次看见了这个绷带。
"How awful," he said, "the way time passes!"“可怕,”他说,“时间过得多快啊!”

"You won't see me," Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía said. "Put on your shoes and help me get this shitty war over with."
When he said it he did not know that it was easier to start a war than to end one. It took him almost a year of fierce and bloody effort to force the government to propose conditions of peace favorable to the rebels and another year to convince his own partisans of the convenience of accepting them. He went to inconceivable extremes of cruelty to put down the rebellion of his own officers, who resisted and called for victory, and he finally relied on enemy forces to make them submit.
He was never a greater soldier than at that time. The certainty that he was finally fighting for his own liberation and not for abstract ideals, for slogans that politicians could twist left and right according to the circumstances, filled him with an ardent enthusiasm. Colonel Geri-neldo Márquez, who fought for defeat with as much conviction and loyalty as he had previously fought for victory, reproached him for his useless temerity. "Don't worry," he would say, smiling. "Dying is much more difficult than one imagines." In his case it was true. The certainty that his day was assigned gave him a mysterious immunity, an immortality or a fixed period that made him invulnerable to the risks of war and in the end permitted him to win a defeat that was much more difficult, much more bloody and costly than victory.
In almost twenty years of war, Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía had been at his house many times, but the state of urgency with which he always arrived, the military retinue that accompanied him everywhere, the aura of legend that glowed about his presence and of which even úrsula was aware, changed him into a stranger in the end. The last time that he was in Macondo and took a house for his three concubines, he was seen in his own house only on two or three occasions when he had the time to accept an invitation to dine. Remedios the Beauty and the twins, born during the middle of the war, scarcely knew him. Amaranta could not reconcile her image of the brother who had spent his adolescence making little gold fishes with that of the mythical warrior who had placed a distance of ten feet between himself and the rest of humanity. But when the approach of the armistice became known and they thought that he would return changed back into a human being, delivered at last for the hearts of his own people, the family feelings, dormant for such a long time, were reborn stronger than ever.
"We'll finally have a man in the house again," úrsula said.
Amaranta was the first to suspect that they had lost him forever. One week before the armistice, when he entered the house without an escort, preceded by two barefoot orderlies who deposited on the porch the saddle from the mule and the trunk of poetry, all that was left of his former imperial baggage, she saw him pass by the sewing room and she called to him. Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía had trouble recognizing her.
"It's Amaranta," she said good-humoredly, happy at his return, and she showed him the hand with the black bandage. "Look."
Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía smiled at her the same way as when he had first seen her with the bandage on that remote morning when he had come back to Macon-do condemned to death.
"How awful," he said, "the way time passes!"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
certainty ['sə:tnti]


n. 确定,确实的事情

legend ['ledʒənd]


n. 传说,传奇

immunity [i'mju:niti]


n. 免疫,免疫性,免除

temerity [ti'meriti]


n. 鲁莽,大胆

dormant ['dɔ:mənt]


adj. 睡眠状态的,静止的 [计算机] 静止的



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

warrior ['wɔ:riə]


n. 勇士,战士,武士

humanity [hju:'mæniti]


n. 人类,人性,人道,慈爱,(复)人文学科

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

convince [kən'vins]


vt. 使确信,使信服,说服





