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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Son of Adam," said Aslan, "you have sown well. And you, Narnians, let it be your first care to guard this Tree, for it is your Shield. The Witch of whom I told you has fled far away into the North of the world; she will live on there, growing stronger in dark Magic. But while that Tree flourishes she will never come down into Narnia. She dare not come within a hundred miles of the Tree, for its smell, which is joy and life and health to you, is death and horror and despair to her."“亚当的儿子,”阿斯兰说,“你栽得很好。你们,纳尼亚的公民,保卫这棵树是你们的首要任务,因为它就是你们的盾。我跟你们说的那个女巫已经逃到北边的山里去了;她会在那儿住下来,靠邪恶的魔法越长越强壮。但只要这棵树枝繁叶茂,她就决不敢进入纳尼亚。她不敢走到离这棵树一百里以内,因为这棵树的气味能给你们带来欢乐、生命和健康,对她来说,却是死亡、恐惧和绝望。”
Everyone was staring solemnly at the Tree when Aslan suddenly swung round his head (scattering golden gleams of light from his mane as he did so) and fixed his large eyes on the children. "What is it, children?" he said, for he caught them in the very act of whispering and nudging one another.每个人和动物都庄严地凝视着那棵树,突然,阿斯兰头一甩(毛发上金光闪烁),紧紧地盯着孩子们。“什么事,孩子们?”它说。因为它看见他们正低声耳语并互相用肘轻轻推挤。
"Oh - Aslan, sir," said Digory, turning red, "I forgot to tell you. The Witch has already eaten one of those apples, one of the same kind that Tree grew from." He hadn't really said all he was thinking, but Polly at once said it for him (Digory was always much more afraid than she of looking a fool.)“啊——阿斯兰,阁下,”迪格雷红着脸说,“我忘了告诉你,女巫已经吃了一个苹果,跟这树上结的一模一样。”他没有完全说出真实的想法,但波莉马上替他说了。(和她相比,他更害怕被人看成傻瓜。
"So we thought, Aslan," she said, "that there must be some mistake, and she can't really mind the smell of those apples."“所以,我们认为,阿斯兰,”她说,“一定出了问题,她不会真正在乎那些苹果的味道的。”
"Why do you think that, Daughter of Eve?" asked the Lion. '“你为什么这么想,夏娃的女儿?”狮子问。
"Well, she ate one."“唔,她吃了一个。”
"Child," he replied, "that is why all the rest are now a horror to her. That is what happens to those who pluck and eat fruits at the wrong time and in the wrong way. The fruit is good, but they loathe it ever after."“孩子,”它回答说,“这样一来,所有剩下的苹果对她来说都很可怕。对那些在错误的时间、用错误的方法摘苹果、吃苹果的人,就会产生这样的结果。果子很好,但他们以后会永远厌恶它。”
"Oh I see," said Polly. "And I suppose because she took it in the wrong way it won't work for her. I mean it won't make her always young and all that?"“哦,我明白了,”波莉说,“我想,因为她摘得不对,苹果对她就不起作用,我是说,就不会使她永远年轻等等。”
"Alas," said Aslan, shaking his head. "It will. Things always work according to their nature. She has won her heart's desire; she has unwearying strength and endless days like a goddess. But length of days with an evil heart is only length of misery and already she begins to know it. All get what they want; they do not always like it."“啊,不,”阿斯兰摇着头说,“会的,事物本身的规律不会变。她如愿以偿了,她像女神一样有永不枯竭的力量和无尽的天年。但如果一个人有一颗邪恶的心,活多久就会烦恼多久,她已经开始懂得这一点了。他们这些人要什么有什么,但他们不见得总喜欢这样。”

"Son of Adam," said Aslan, "you have sown well. And you, Narnians, let it be your first care to guard this Tree, for it is your Shield. The Witch of whom I told you has fled far away into the North of the world; she will live on there, growing stronger in dark Magic. But while that Tree flourishes she will never come down into Narnia. She dare not come within a hundred miles of the Tree, for its smell, which is joy and life and health to you, is death and horror and despair to her."

Everyone was staring solemnly at the Tree when Aslan suddenly swung round his head (scattering golden gleams of light from his mane as he did so) and fixed his large eyes on the children. "What is it, children?" he said, for he caught them in the very act of whispering and nudging one another.

"Oh - Aslan, sir," said Digory, turning red, "I forgot to tell you. The Witch has already eaten one of those apples, one of the same kind that Tree grew from." He hadn't really said all he was thinking, but Polly at once said it for him (Digory was always much more afraid than she of looking a fool.)

"So we thought, Aslan," she said, "that there must be some mistake, and she can't really mind the smell of those apples."

"Why do you think that, Daughter of Eve?" asked the Lion. '

"Well, she ate one."

"Child," he replied, "that is why all the rest are now a horror to her. That is what happens to those who pluck and eat fruits at the wrong time and in the wrong way. The fruit is good, but they loathe it ever after."

"Oh I see," said Polly. "And I suppose because she took it in the wrong way it won't work for her. I mean it won't make her always young and all that?"

"Alas," said Aslan, shaking his head. "It will. Things always work according to their nature. She has won her heart's desire; she has unwearying strength and endless days like a goddess. But length of days with an evil heart is only length of misery and already she begins to know it. All get what they want; they do not always like it."










重点单词   查看全部解释    
pluck [plʌk]


n. 勇气,猛拉,动物内脏 v. 摘,猛拉,拔

misery ['mizəri]


n. 痛苦,悲惨的境遇,苦难

despair [di'spɛə]


n. 绝望,失望
vi. 失望

shield ['ʃi:ld]


n. 盾,防卫物,盾状物
vt. 保护,遮蔽





