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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Can you get the other rings, Poll?" said Digory. "I want to go to Mother."“你能去找其他的戒指吗,波莉?”迪格雷说,“我想去看妈妈。”
"Right. See you later," said Polly and clattered up the attic stairs.“好的,再见。”波莉说着嗒嗒嗒地跑上了阁楼。
Then Digory took a minute to get his breath, and then went softly into his Mother's room. And there she lay, as he had seen her lie so many other times, propped up on the pillows, with a thin, pale face that would make you cry to look at. Digory took the Apple of Life out of his pocket.迪格雷喘了一会儿气,然后轻轻地走进了妈妈的房间。他妈妈照旧靠着枕头躺在那里,没有血色的苍白的脸实在催人泪下。迪格雷从包里拿出生命之果。
And just as the Witch Jadis had looked different when you saw her in our world instead of in her own, so the fruit of that mountain garden looked different too. There were of course all sorts of coloured things in the bedroom; the coloured counterpane on the bed, the wallpaper, the sunlight from the window, and Mother's pretty, pale blue dressing jacket. But the moment Digory took the Apple out of his pocket, all those things seemed to have scarcely any colour at all. Every one of them, even the sunlight, looked faded and dingy. The brightness of the Apple threw strange lights on the ceiling. Nothing else was worth looking at: you couldn't look at anything else. And the smell of the Apple of Youth was as if there was a window in the room that opened on Heaven.就像你在我们世界里看见的简蒂丝同在她的世界里看见的不一样,山上花园里的果实看上去也有了变化。卧室里自然有不少各种色彩的东西:床罩、墙纸、从窗口射进的阳光,以及妈妈那件漂亮的淡蓝色短上衣。但迪格雷从口袋里一拿出苹果,所有的东西甚至阳光都黯然失色。明亮的苹果在天花板上投下奇异的光彩,别的东西都不值一看了——你实在也无法再看任何别的东西。那只青春之果的香味使你觉得房间里似乎有一扇朝着天堂开启的窗户。"
"Oh, darling, how lovely," said Digory's Mother.“哦,亲爱的,多可爱啊。”迪格雷的妈妈说。
"You will eat it, won't you? Please," said Digory.“你把它吃下去,好吗?请吃下去,妈妈。”迪格雷说。
"I don't know what the Doctor would say," she answered. "But really - I almost feel as if I could."“我不知道医生会怎么说,”她回答,“但是真的——我觉得我好像可以吃。”
He peeled it and cut it up and gave it to her piece by piece. And no sooner had she finished it than she smiled and her head sank back on the pillow and she was asleep: a real, natural, gentle sleep, without any of those nasty drugs, which was, as Digory knew, the thing in the whole world that she wanted most. And he was sure now that her face looked a little different. He bent down and kissed her very softly and stole out of the room with a beating heart; taking the core of the apple with him. For the rest of that day, whenever he looked at the things about him, and saw how ordinary and unmagical they were, he hardly dared to hope; but when he remembered the face of Aslan he did hope.他削了皮,切开,一片一片地喂给妈妈吃。刚一吃完,妈妈就微笑了,头向后一挨枕头便酣然入睡:那是不需要借助任何药物的真正自然而温柔的睡眠。迪格雷知道,世上所有的东西中,这是妈妈最需要的。而且,他能肯定,她的脸上起了一点儿变化。他俯下身,轻柔地吻了吻她,拿着苹果核,带着一颗激动的心,悄悄地出了房间。那一天中,不管他看见什么,都觉得太普通,太不稀奇,他几乎不敢有所希望了,但当他想起阿斯兰的脸,心中就又充满了希望。
That evening he buried the core of the Apple in the back garden.那天晚上,他将苹果核埋在了后花园里。
Next morning when the Doctor made his usual visit, Digory leaned over the banisters to listen. He heard the Doctor come out with Aunt Letty and say:次日清晨,医生照例来访的时候,迪格雷靠在楼梯的扶手上,听见医生和蕾蒂姨妈走出来时说:
"Miss Ketterley, this is the most extraordinary case I have known in my whole medical career. It is - it is like a miracle. I wouldn't tell the little boy anything at present; we don't want to raise any false hopes. But in my opinion -" then his voice became too low to hear.“凯特利小姐,这是我行医生涯中见过的最不寻常的病例。它——它像一桩奇迹。我现在不想告诉那小孩任何情况;我们不愿给人任何错误的希望。但是,依我看……”接下去,他的声音便低得听不见了。
That afternoon he went down the garden and whistled their agreed secret signal for Polly (she hadn't been able to get back the day before).那天下午,他到了花园,用口哨向波莉发出他们约定的暗语(前一天她没能过来)。
"What luck?" said Polly, looking over the wall. "I mean, about your Mother?"“有好消息吗?”波莉爬在墙头上说,“我是问,你的妈妈?”
"I think - I think it is going to be alright," said Digory. "But if you don't mind I'd really rather not talk about it yet. What about the rings?"“我想——我想正在好转,”迪格雷说,“但如果你不介意,我真的不愿再提这件事了。戒指怎么样?”
"I've got them all," said Polly. "Look, it's alright, I'm wearing gloves. Let's bury them."“我全拿到了,”波莉说,“看,没事儿,我戴着手套呢。我们去埋了它们吧。”
"Yes, let's. I've marked the place where I buried the core of the Apple yesterday."“好的,去吧。我已经在昨天埋苹果核的地方做了记号。”
Then Polly came over the wall and they went together to the place. But, as it turned out, Digory need not have marked the place. Something was already coming up. It was not growing so that you could see it grow as the new trees had done in Narnia; but it was already well above ground. They got a trowel and buried all the magic rings, including their own ones, in a circle round it.波莉翻过墙,两人一起走过去。其实,迪格雷根本不需要做记号,那里已经长出了一点东西。不是正在长,像在纳尼亚看见的新树生长一样,而是已经长出了地面。他们拿了一把铲子,绕着那东西,把所有的魔法戒指埋成一圈。

"Can you get the other rings, Poll?" said Digory. "I want to go to Mother."

"Right. See you later," said Polly and clattered up the attic stairs.

Then Digory took a minute to get his breath, and then went softly into his Mother's room. And there she lay, as he had seen her lie so many other times, propped up on the pillows, with a thin, pale face that would make you cry to look at. Digory took the Apple of Life out of his pocket.

And just as the Witch Jadis had looked different when you saw her in our world instead of in her own, so the fruit of that mountain garden looked different too. There were of course all sorts of coloured things in the bedroom; the coloured counterpane on the bed, the wallpaper, the sunlight from the window, and Mother's pretty, pale blue dressing jacket. But the moment Digory took the Apple out of his pocket, all those things seemed to have scarcely any colour at all. Every one of them, even the sunlight, looked faded and dingy. The brightness of the Apple threw strange lights on the ceiling. Nothing else was worth looking at: you couldn't look at anything else. And the smell of the Apple of Youth was as if there was a window in the room that opened on Heaven.

"Oh, darling, how lovely," said Digory's Mother.

"You will eat it, won't you? Please," said Digory.

"I don't know what the Doctor would say," she answered. "But really - I almost feel as if I could."

He peeled it and cut it up and gave it to her piece by piece. And no sooner had she finished it than she smiled and her head sank back on the pillow and she was asleep: a real, natural, gentle sleep, without any of those nasty drugs, which was, as Digory knew, the thing in the whole world that she wanted most. And he was sure now that her face looked a little different. He bent down and kissed her very softly and stole out of the room with a beating heart; taking the core of the apple with him. For the rest of that day, whenever he looked at the things about him, and saw how ordinary and unmagical they were, he hardly dared to hope; but when he remembered the face of Aslan he did hope.

That evening he buried the core of the Apple in the back garden.

Next morning when the Doctor made his usual visit, Digory leaned over the banisters to listen. He heard the Doctor come out with Aunt Letty and say:

"Miss Ketterley, this is the most extraordinary case I have known in my whole medical career. It is - it is like a miracle. I wouldn't tell the little boy anything at present; we don't want to raise any false hopes. But in my opinion -" then his voice became too low to hear.

That afternoon he went down the garden and whistled their agreed secret signal for Polly (she hadn't been able to get back the day before).

"What luck?" said Polly, looking over the wall. "I mean, about your Mother?"

"I think - I think it is going to be alright," said Digory. "But if you don't mind I'd really rather not talk about it yet. What about the rings?"

"I've got them all," said Polly. "Look, it's alright, I'm wearing gloves. Let's bury them."

"Yes, let's. I've marked the place where I buried the core of the Apple yesterday."

Then Polly came over the wall and they went together to the place. But, as it turned out, Digory need not have marked the place. Something was already coming up. It was not growing so that you could see it grow as the new trees had done in Narnia; but it was already well above ground. They got a trowel and buried all the magic rings, including their own ones, in a circle round it.


















重点单词   查看全部解释    
trowel ['trauəl]


n. 泥刀,小铲子 vt. 用尼刀抹开,抹平

core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核

miracle ['mirəkl]


n. 奇迹

poll [pəul]


n. 投票,民意测验,民意,票数
v. 做民意

dingy ['dindʒi]


adj. 肮脏的,昏暗的

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

attic ['ætik]


n. 阁楼





