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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Oh!" gasped Digory as if he had been hurt, and put his hand to his head. For he now knew that the most terrible choice lay before him.“噢!”迪格雷像受了伤似的用手摸着头,喘着气。他知道最可怕的选择摆在了他面前。
"What has the Lion ever done for you that you should be his slave?" said the Witch. "What can he do to you once you are back in your own world? And what would your Mother think if she knew that you could have taken her pain away and given her back her life and saved your Father's heart from being broken, and that you wouldn't - that you'd rather run messages for a wild animal in a strange world that is no business of yours?"“狮子对你有什么好处,你情愿给它当奴隶?”女巫说,“一旦你回到自己的世界,谁也不能把你怎么样。要是你妈妈知道你本来可以解除她的痛苦,恢复她的生机,可以不使你爸爸的心灵破碎,而你却不愿意,宁肯为与你们毫不相干的陌生世界里的一只野兽效劳,她会怎么想呢?”
"I - I don't think he is a wild animal," said Digory in a dried-up sort of voice. "He is - I don't know -"“我——我不认为它是野兽,”迪格雷用干哑的声音说,“它是——我不知道——”
"Then he is something worse," said the Witch. "Look what he has done to you already; look how heartless he has made you. That is what he does to everyone who listens to him. Cruel, pitiless boy! you would let your own Mother die rather than -"“它比你想像的更坏,”女巫说,“看看它是怎样对待你的吧:你看它把你变得多么没有心肝。每一个服从它的人都会这样的。残忍的、没有同情心的孩子!你宁肯让自己的妈妈死而不愿……”
"Oh shut up," said the miserable Digory, still in the same voice. "Do you think I don't see? But I - I promised."“啊,别说了,”悲伤的迪格雷用依旧干哑的声音说,“你以为我不明白?但我……我答应了。”
"Ah, but you didn't know what you were promising. And no one here can prevent you."“嗨,可你当时并不懂你答应了什么。在这里谁也不能阻拦你。”
"Mother herself," said Digory, getting the words out with difficulty, "wouldn't like it - awfully strict about keeping promises - and not stealing - and all that sort of thing. She'd tell me not to do it - quick as anything - if she was here."“妈妈自己,”迪格雷艰难地吐出几句话,“也不会喜欢那种做法——她对我很严格,要我遵守诺言——不要偷东西——以及所有这一类的要求。如果她在这儿的话,也不会让我那样做的。”
"But she need never know," said the Witch, speaking more sweetly than you would have thought anyone with so fierce a face could speak. "You wouldn't tell her how you'd got the apple. Your Father need never know. No one in your world need know anything about this whole story. You needn't take the little girl back with you, you know."“但她没有必要知道,”女巫甜甜地说,你想不出一个长相那么凶的人能说得那么甜美动听,“你不用告诉她你是怎样弄到苹果的。你爸爸也不必知道。你的世界里谁也不需要知道这件事的来龙去脉。而且,你也不必把那小女孩带回去。”
That was where the Witch made her fatal mistake. Of course Digory knew that Polly could get away by her own ring as easily as he could get away by his. But apparently the Witch didn't know this. And the meanness of the suggestion that he should leave Polly behind suddenly made all the other things the Witch had been saying to him sound false and hollow. And even in the midst of all his misery, his head suddenly cleared, and he said (in a different and much louder' voice):这正是女巫致命的错误所在。迪格雷当然知道波莉可以靠自己的戒指回去,跟他靠自己的戒指回去一样容易。但显然女巫不知道这一点。她要他丢下波莉,这卑鄙的建议使她刚才说过的一切全都成了假话和空话。迪格雷即使正沉浸在悲哀之中,头脑也很快清醒了,他说(声音变了,响亮得多):"

"Oh!" gasped Digory as if he had been hurt, and put his hand to his head. For he now knew that the most terrible choice lay before him.

"What has the Lion ever done for you that you should be his slave?" said the Witch. "What can he do to you once you are back in your own world? And what would your Mother think if she knew that you could have taken her pain away and given her back her life and saved your Father's heart from being broken, and that you wouldn't - that you'd rather run messages for a wild animal in a strange world that is no business of yours?"

"I - I don't think he is a wild animal," said Digory in a dried-up sort of voice. "He is - I don't know -"

"Then he is something worse," said the Witch. "Look what he has done to you already; look how heartless he has made you. That is what he does to everyone who listens to him. Cruel, pitiless boy! you would let your own Mother die rather than -"

"Oh shut up," said the miserable Digory, still in the same voice. "Do you think I don't see? But I - I promised."

"Ah, but you didn't know what you were promising. And no one here can prevent you."

"Mother herself," said Digory, getting the words out with difficulty, "wouldn't like it - awfully strict about keeping promises - and not stealing - and all that sort of thing. She'd tell me not to do it - quick as anything - if she was here."

"But she need never know," said the Witch, speaking more sweetly than you would have thought anyone with so fierce a face could speak. "You wouldn't tell her how you'd got the apple. Your Father need never know. No one in your world need know anything about this whole story. You needn't take the little girl back with you, you know."

That was where the Witch made her fatal mistake. Of course Digory knew that Polly could get away by her own ring as easily as he could get away by his. But apparently the Witch didn't know this. And the meanness of the suggestion that he should leave Polly behind suddenly made all the other things the Witch had been saying to him sound false and hollow. And even in the midst of all his misery, his head suddenly cleared, and he said (in a different and much louder' voice):










重点单词   查看全部解释    
hollow ['hɔləu]


n. 洞,窟窿,山谷
adj. 空的,虚伪的,

promising ['prɔmisiŋ]


adj. 有希望的,有前途的

strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的

miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

misery ['mizəri]


n. 痛苦,悲惨的境遇,苦难

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

fatal ['feitl]


adj. 致命的,毁灭性的,决定性的





