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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"And it just shows," said Digory afterwards when he was telling the story to the others, "that you can't be too careful in these magical places. You never know what may be watching you." But I think Digory would not have taken an apple for himself in any case. Things like Do Not Steal were, I think, hammered into boys' heads a good deal harder in those days than they are now. Still, we can never be certain.“这恰恰说明,”迪格雷后来对别人讲起这个故事时说,“在这种有魔法的地方,你无论如何仔细都不过分。你无法知道什么东西正监视着你。”但我想,不管怎样,迪格雷是不会为自己摘苹果的。那时候,在男孩们的心目中,“不偷窃”之类的观念比现在牢固得多。但我们仍然没有十分的把握。
Digory was just turning to go back to the gates when he stopped to have one last look around. He got a terrible shock. He was not alone. There, only a few yards away from him, stood the Witch. She was just throwing away the core of an apple which she had eaten. The juice was darker than you would expect and had made a horrid stain round her mouth. Digory guessed at once that she must have climbed in over the wall. And he began to see that there might be some sense in that last line about getting your heart's desire and getting despair along with it. For the Witch looked stronger and prouder than ever, and even, in a way, triumphant; but her face was deadly white, white as salt.迪格雷转身向大门走去时,停下来最后朝四下里看了一眼。他吓了一大跳,原来不光他一个人在这儿,几步开外,站着那个女巫。她正在扔掉她吃剩的苹果核。那苹果汁的颜色比你想像的要深些,她的嘴边留下一圈令人厌恶的痕迹。迪格雷马上就猜到,她是翻墙过来的。而且,他开始明白最后一行“会如愿以偿,也会丧气绝望”可能是有含义的。因为女巫看上去比以前强壮、傲慢,甚至在某种程度上更加得意扬扬,但她的脸苍白得像盐一样。
All this flashed through Digory's mind in a second; then he took to his heels and ran for the gates as hard as he could pelt; the Witch after him. As soon as he was out, the gates closed behind him of their own accord. That gave him the lead but not for long. By the time he had reached the others and was shouting out "Quick, get on, Polly! Get up, Fledge", the Witch had climbed the wall, or vaulted over it, and was close behind him again.迪格雷心中很快闪过这些念头后,便抬起脚,尽快地朝大门跑去。女巫在后面紧迫。他一出来,门就自动合上了。这使他领先一步,但不一会儿,当他喊着“快,波莉,上马!快飞,弗兰奇!”冲到他同伴身边时,女巫已爬过墙或者跳过墙追了过来,又紧跟在他身后了。
"Stay where you are," cried Digory, turning round to face her, "or we'll all vanish. Don't come an inch nearer."“站住,别动!”迪格雷大声说道,转身对着她,“否则,我们就全部消失了。一步也不准靠近。”
"Foolish boy," said the Witch. "Why do you run from me? I mean you no harm. If you do not stop and listen to me now, you will miss some knowledge that would have made you happy all your life."“傻孩子,”女巫说,“你干吗逃呀?我又不会伤害你。如果你不停下来听我说,你会漏掉一些能使你终身幸福的知识。”
"Well I don't want to hear it, thanks," said Digory. But he did.“我不想听,谢谢。”迪格雷说。但他是想听的。
"I know what errand you have come on," continued the Witch. "For it was I who was close beside you in the woods last night and heard all your counsels. You have plucked fruit in the garden yonder. You have it in your pocket now. And you are going to carry it back, untasted, to the Lion; for him to eat, for him to use. You simpleton! Do you know what that fruit is? I will tell you. It is the apple of youth, the apple of life. I know, for I have tasted it; and I feel already such changes in myself that I know I shall never grow old or die. Eat it, Boy, eat it; and you and I will both live forever and be king and queen of this whole world - or of your world, if we decide to go back there."“我知道你是来干什么的,”女巫继续说道,“因为昨天夜里在树林中就是我藏在你们身边,听到了你们的议论。你已经从那边花园里摘下苹果,装在口袋里了。你将一口也不尝就带回去给狮子,给它吃,给它用,你这个傻瓜!你知道这是什么果吗?我告诉你,这是青春果,生命果。我懂,因为我已经吃了。我已感到我自己身上发生了变化,我知道我不会老也不会死。吃吧,孩子,吃了它,你和我都会长生不老,做这个世界的国王和王后,或者我们决定回去的话,也可以去你们的世界称王。”
"No thanks," said Digory, "I don't know that I care much about living on and on after everyone I know is dead. I'd rather live an ordinary time and die and go to Heaven."“不,谢谢,”迪格雷说,“我不知道自己是不是在每一个认识的人都死了以后还想长久地活下去。我宁肯活到一般的年龄就死去,然后进天堂。”
"But what about this Mother of yours whom you pretend to love so?"“可你的妈妈怎么办呢?你装得那么爱她。”
"What's she got to do with it?" said Digory.“她跟这事儿有什么关系?”迪格雷说。
"Do you not see, Fool, that one bite of that apple would heal her? You have it in your pocket. We are here by ourselves and the Lion is far away. Use your Magic and go back to your own world. A minute later you can be at your Mother's bedside, giving her the fruit. Five minutes later you will see the colour coming back to her face. She will tell you the pain is gone. Soon she will tell you she feels stronger. Then she will fall asleep - think of that; hours of sweet natural sleep, without pain, without drugs. Next day everyone will be saying how wonderfully she has recovered. Soon she will be quite well again. All will be well again. Your home will be happy again. You will be like other boys."“你还不明白?傻瓜!她只要吃上一口那种苹果就会好。你的口袋里有。我们自己在这儿,狮子离得很远,运用魔法回到你自己的世界去。一分钟后你就把苹果送到你妈妈的床边了。五分钟后,你就会看到她的脸上有了血色。她将告诉你疼痛消失了。很快,她又会说感到强壮多了。然后,便能睡着了——想想吧,不痛也不吃药地酣睡上几个小时。第二天,谁都会说她恢复得多么神奇。她很快就完全好了。一切都会变好,你和其他孩子一样,又会有一个幸福的家庭。”

"And it just shows," said Digory afterwards when he was telling the story to the others, "that you can't be too careful in these magical places. You never know what may be watching you." But I think Digory would not have taken an apple for himself in any case. Things like Do Not Steal were, I think, hammered into boys' heads a good deal harder in those days than they are now. Still, we can never be certain.

Digory was just turning to go back to the gates when he stopped to have one last look around. He got a terrible shock. He was not alone. There, only a few yards away from him, stood the Witch. She was just throwing away the core of an apple which she had eaten. The juice was darker than you would expect and had made a horrid stain round her mouth. Digory guessed at once that she must have climbed in over the wall. And he began to see that there might be some sense in that last line about getting your heart's desire and getting despair along with it. For the Witch looked stronger and prouder than ever, and even, in a way, triumphant; but her face was deadly white, white as salt.

All this flashed through Digory's mind in a second; then he took to his heels and ran for the gates as hard as he could pelt; the Witch after him. As soon as he was out, the gates closed behind him of their own accord. That gave him the lead but not for long. By the time he had reached the others and was shouting out "Quick, get on, Polly! Get up, Fledge", the Witch had climbed the wall, or vaulted over it, and was close behind him again.

"Stay where you are," cried Digory, turning round to face her, "or we'll all vanish. Don't come an inch nearer."

"Foolish boy," said the Witch. "Why do you run from me? I mean you no harm. If you do not stop and listen to me now, you will miss some knowledge that would have made you happy all your life."

"Well I don't want to hear it, thanks," said Digory. But he did.

"I know what errand you have come on," continued the Witch. "For it was I who was close beside you in the woods last night and heard all your counsels. You have plucked fruit in the garden yonder. You have it in your pocket now. And you are going to carry it back, untasted, to the Lion; for him to eat, for him to use. You simpleton! Do you know what that fruit is? I will tell you. It is the apple of youth, the apple of life. I know, for I have tasted it; and I feel already such changes in myself that I know I shall never grow old or die. Eat it, Boy, eat it; and you and I will both live forever and be king and queen of this whole world - or of your world, if we decide to go back there."

"No thanks," said Digory, "I don't know that I care much about living on and on after everyone I know is dead. I'd rather live an ordinary time and die and go to Heaven."

"But what about this Mother of yours whom you pretend to love so?"

"What's she got to do with it?" said Digory.

"Do you not see, Fool, that one bite of that apple would heal her? You have it in your pocket. We are here by ourselves and the Lion is far away. Use your Magic and go back to your own world. A minute later you can be at your Mother's bedside, giving her the fruit. Five minutes later you will see the colour coming back to her face. She will tell you the pain is gone. Soon she will tell you she feels stronger. Then she will fall asleep - think of that; hours of sweet natural sleep, without pain, without drugs. Next day everyone will be saying how wonderfully she has recovered. Soon she will be quite well again. All will be well again. Your home will be happy again. You will be like other boys."












重点单词   查看全部解释    
magical ['mædʒikəl]


adj. 魔术的,有魔力的,神奇的

core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核

despair [di'spɛə]


n. 绝望,失望
vi. 失望

vanish ['væniʃ]


vi. 消失,不见了,绝迹
vt. 消失

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

stain [stein]


n. 污点,瑕疵,染料,着色剂
v. 玷污,弄

fledge [fledʒ]


vi. 长羽毛 vt. 装上羽毛

accord [ə'kɔ:d]


n. 一致,符合
v. 使一致,调解,给予





