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实用商务情景口语:early days

来源:可可英语 编辑:jessica   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Luke: Thank you again, sir, and I hope you’ll stay with us again the next time you’re in Brighton.

Male guest: Thank you. You’ve been very helpful.

Luke: Yes, madam? Can I help you?

Female guest: Good morning. My name is Campbell, Mrs Ruth Campbell. I have a reservation for two nights?

Luke: Right, Mrs Campbell. Let me see. Yes, you’ve asked for a quiet single room with direct internet access, yes?

Female guest: That’s right. Oh and I am hoping to meet some business associates in the hotel tomorrow afternoon. Do you have a conference room available?

Luke: I’ll look into that right away madam, but I shouldn’t think that would be a problem.

Female guest: Thanks very much.

Luke: I’ll just get someone to take your bags to your room madam. (Luke: Andrej, bags to 308 please! Andrej: Yeah, right away!) It’s room 308 on the third floor, madam – a nice quiet room at the back of the hotel. There’s you keycard. (Guest: Thank you) Could I just take your credit card number, please?

Female guest: Yes, here you are.
Luke: That’s all fine.

Female guest: Good. Thanks very much.

Luke: I hope you enjoy your stay, madam.

Female guest: Thank you – Oh, and what time is breakfast served?

Luke: From 7.30 until 10.30 in the main restaurant on the first floor, madam.

Female guest: Thanks.

Luke: You’re welcome.

(Naomi comes to hotel reception)

Luke: Hi Naomi – your shift starting soon?

Naomi: Hi Luke! Yeah, I’ve come in a bit early actually. I’ve still got to try and learn all the menu items before service!

Luke: Don’t worry, it’s only your first week - you’ll soon pick things up!

Naomi: I hope so, Luke. But I have to tell you that I find Roberto really scary! I’m worried I’ll get an order wrong and he’ll start shouting at me…

Luke: Roberto! Nah! He’s a softie – it’s just his Italian nature – all chefs shout a lot – don’t worry –i t doesn’t mean…

Steve: Luke, have you seen Jenny?

Luke: Eh, yes Steve. I saw her go over to the restaurant about 5 minutes ago, why?

Steve: Nothing, nothing, you’ll find out soon enough!

Luke: Now what was all that about?

Naomi: Don’t ask me. Who’s Jenny?

Luke: Jennifer Wong. She’s the front-of-house manager.

Naomi: I thought Steve Sciberras was the manager?

Luke: No, Steve is the hotel manager but Jenny is front of house – she looks after the reception area and training and stuff. Hmm…I wonder what’s up – Steve isn’t usually so excitable…

Naomi: He must have got some good news!

Luke: Yeah, looks like it! He may have won the lottery!

Naomi: Hmm – I don’t know about that but I think I’ll go over to the restaurant and see what’s happening just in case!

Luke: Ok see you later.

Luke: Good afternoon, reception. Luke Williams speaking. Yes, we serve supper from six o’clock…

(Marina comes to hotel reception)
Marina: Hiya Luke. How’s it going?

Luke: Oh hello Marina, fine thanks. How are things with you? How come you are away from the restaurant? Isn’t managing the restaurant a full-time job these days?

Marina: Oh, everything’s good thanks – and the restaurant can survive for a few minutes without me, I hope! I have come to tell you that Steve has asked all of us to meet up in the restaurant at 5 – can you get someone to cover you for 10 minutes?

Luke: Sure, I guess so. But what’s up? Has Steve got some special news for us?

Marina: Yes, in a way - but I can’t tell you what at the moment.

Luke: Oh come on , that’s not fair – how come all the managers know what’s going on and the rest of us don’t?!

Marina: Well, there’s a good reason for that Luke. You just be in the restaurant at 5 and all will be revealed I promise you…

Luke: I’ll be there – I don’t want to miss out if there is any money going around…

Marina: What?

Luke: On nothing, I was just chatting with Naomi and wondering if maybe Steve had won the lottery!

Marina: Hmm...he might have I suppose, but that is not why we are meeting, I’m afraid!

Luke: Oh, by the way, how is Naomi getting on? She’s really nice. I really like her.

Marina: Oh she is doing pretty well, I think. She’s such a friendly, helpful girl - and luckily she isn’t as clumsy as the last waitress we had – what was her name…Sarah? I think she only lasted 3 days, and in that time she broke just about everything she handled!

Luke: Well, Roberto can seem a bit intimidating when you first meet him, and it does tend to make people nervous you know.

Marina: Yeah, but you know him, his bark is a lot worse than his bite – and he is the best chef we have ever had! Well, I had better get back and make sure he isn’t intimidating Naomi! See you in a bit!

Luke: Cheers.

(During the meeting)

Steve: Ahem, if I can have your attention please. Thank you, thank you.

Steve: Hello everyone, thanks for coming. Now you may be wondering why I have called everyone together. Well, I have got some really great news for us all. This morning I received a very important phone call. And if all goes well, we could be hosting a rather important 3-day conference!



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