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实用商务情景口语:early days

来源:可可英语 编辑:jessica   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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reservation (n.) - a booking; the arrangement of a room in a hotel or a seat in a restaurant in advance. 预订;预订的房间(或席座)[C]
We have made reservations for three rooms at the hotel.

business associate (n.) - business partner. 生意伙伴

conference (n.) - a formal meeting in which business matters are discussed. 会议

available (adj.) - ready for use. 可用的,在手边的;可利用的[(+for/to)]
The swimming pool is available only in summer.

keycard (n.) - it is a small plastic card which contains an electronic device. Keycards, instead of keys, are often used in hotels to open room doors.

serve (v.) - to provide food and drinks. When the hotel receptionist says, 'breakfast is served in the main restaurant', it means that breakfast is provided in the main restaurant. 侍候(顾客等);供应(饭菜);端上[(+to/with)]
She served me a cup of coffee.

shift (n.) - a scheduled period of work. In hotels, staff often work in shifts (e.g. staff who are on night shift only start working at night) instead of following the office hours from nine to five. This enable staff to take care of their guests around the clock. 轮班;轮班工作时间
She works on the night shift.

pick (something) up (phrasal v.) - to learn a new skill by doing it. 学到;获得
He was picking up the skills quickly.

scary (adj.) - (informal) frightening.

softie/softy (n.) - (informal) refers to a soft-hearted and gentle person, who can be easily persuaded to do things as you said. 心软的人;善良的人
Grandpa is an old softie; he always gives us treats.

chef (n.) - a skilled cook or the most important cook who works in a restaurant or hotel. 厨师

front-of-house manager - a manager who looks after the reception area in a hotel. 前台经理

lottery (n.) - a kind of game in which numbered tickets are sold to people. Ticket holders can win a prize or money if thier number is chosen. 彩票

supper (n.) - refers to the meal taken in the evening.

chat (v.) - talk to someone in a casual and friendly way. 聊天,闲聊

intimidating (adj.) - if someone is intimidating, their behaviour will frigten you or make you nervous. 吓人的,令人生畏的
somebody's bark is worse than their bite - it is an expression to say that somebody are not as unpleasant as they appear to be and that their actons are not as bad as their threats. 嘴巴尖刻而心地并不怎么恶毒;刀子嘴, 豆腐心

host (v.) - to provide the space for events to take place. 作...主人(或东道主),主办,主持
It remains unknown which country will host the international tennis tournament.



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