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  • [办公室英语] 办公室英语:如何用英语向老总辞职?

    1. I want to expand my horizons.   我想展我的视野。   2. I've made a tough decision, sir. Here is my resignation.  长官,我做了一个很困难的决定。这是我的辞呈。  3. I quit because I don't w

    2011-10-18 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [面试英语] 求职宝典:如何写出吸引眼球的简历?

    Many of the old-school rules and much of the conventional wisdom when it comes to resumes is either outdated or was never really on target to start with:  许多学校提供的如何写简历的法则,以及一些

    2011-10-17 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [办公室英语] 办公室英语:百句时髦白领英语

    1.I'm an office worker. 我是上班族。 2.I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。 3.I'm happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 4.I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。 5.I'm glad to see y

    2011-10-17 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [面试英语] 求职英语:跳出职业选择的六大"雷区"

    1. Choosing a career is simple  Career planning is a multi-step process that involves learning enough about yourself and the occupations which you are considering in order to make an informed decis

    2011-10-17 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [办公室英语] 办公室英语:外企上班族常用九句英语句子

    1. In the middle of something? 正在忙吗? 我知道有许多许多的人, 对于某一种概念学会了一种说法之后, 从此就只会用这种说法。 例如‘你在忙吗?’这个句子, 很多人在国中起就知道要说, "Are you busy?" 讲到了来

    2011-10-14 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [面试英语] 求职第一步:职业规划你会吗?

    What is Career Planning? 职业规划是什么? Career planning is a lifelong process, which includes choosing an occupation, getting a job, growing in our job, possibly changing careers, and eventually re

    2011-10-14 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [面试英语] 求职英语:怎么对付面试中最难的那些问题?

    You know they're coming: Those seemingly unanswerable questions that pop up during job interviews. 你知道他们会来的——工作面试中突然出现的那些看似无法回答的问题。 You can't clam up. And you don'

    2011-10-13 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [办公室英语] 办公室英语:如何用英语主持会议?

    用英语主持会议(1):会议的结构I - Introductions Opening the MeetingWelcoming and Introducing ParticipantsStating the Principal Objectives of a MeetingGiving Apologies for Someone Who is AbsentII - R

    2011-10-13 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [面试英语] 求职英语:教你六招在失业中重获生机

    Unemployment can bring on a range of emotions including anger and fear. If you have been unemployed for weeks or even months, it's not uncommon to eventually become bored. Unemployment also b...

    2011-10-12 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [办公室英语] 办公室英语:办公室超人的心态(4)

    Embrace incredible dreams and talk about them all the time 常抱惊人的梦想,并告诉他人Main Idea 要点 You won't achieve anything exceptional or do incredible things unless and until you embrace an inc

    2011-10-12 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [办公室英语] 办公室英语:办公室超人的心态(3)

    Create your own reality by ignoring the experts 别管专家意见,创造自身条件Main Idea 要点 To stand out from the crowd, you have to be prepared to think differently from everyone else .It's impossible

    2011-10-11 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [面试英语] 求职英语:内向的人应怎样找工作?

    If networking drives you nuts and you tend to think a while before you respond to interviewers' questions, you may find a job search especially difficult. Here's what to do. 如果交际让你很烦恼,回

    2011-10-11 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [面试英语] 求职英语:求职时做自我介绍的范例

    面试时候, 为了考验面试者的英语水平, 考官通常会要求应试者用英语进行自我介绍。那我们应该如何应对呢? 首先, 要先写好英语自我介绍的稿子, 好让心里有底。把一些关键的内容熟记, 但是切勿死记硬背, 那样只会让自

    2011-10-10 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [面试英语] 求职英语:求职信(修理技师)范例(5)

    Ms. Presently HiringThe Successful Company RE: January 1 City Times AdP.O. Box 1111 for a Telephone RepairBusiness City, ST 09876 TechnicianDear Ms. Hiring:When a customer calls for a repair, your fi

    2011-10-10 编辑:Richard 标签:

  • [办公室英语] 办公室英语:办公室超人的心态(2)

    Welcome pressure and harness stress to perform 欣然接受压力, 以压力促表现Main Idea 要点 Contrary to popular opinion, butterfly is a good thing .The great performers and superstars welcome pressure be

    2011-10-10 编辑:Richard 标签:

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