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来源:可可英语 编辑:Richard   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Miranda: You thought I didn't know.
I've known what was happening for quite some time. It just took me a little while to find a suitable alternative for Jacqueline. And that James Holt job was so absurdly overpaid...that, of course, she jumped at it.
So I just had to tell Irv that Jacqueline was unavailable.
The truth is, there is no one that can do what I do...including her. Any of the other choices would have found that job impossible...and the magazine would have suffered.
Especially because of the list. The list of designers, photographers...editors, writers, models, all of whom were found by me, nurtured by me...and have promised me they will follow me...whenever and if ever I choose to leave Runway.
So he reconsidered.
But I was very, very how intently you tried to warn me.
I never thought I would say this, Andrea...but I really...I see a great deal of myself in you.
You can see beyond what people want and what they need...and you can choose for yourself.
Andrea: I don't think I'm like that. I... I couldn't do what you did to Nigel, Miranda. I couldn't do something like that.
Miranda: Mm. You already did. To Emily.
Andrea: That's not what I... No, that was... that was different. I didn't have a choice.
Miranda: Oh, no, you chose. You chose to get ahead. You want this life, those choices are necessary.
Andrea: But what if this isn't what I want? I mean, what if I don't wanna live the way you live?
Miranda: Don't be ridiculous, Andrea. Everybody wants this. Everybody wants to be us.

在得知Miranda将被裁撤的消息后,Andy迫不及待地想办法通知她,其实,Mrianda has known what was happening for quite some time. Quite some time 相当于quite a long time,也就是“相当长一段时间”。比如,I haven't seen you for quite some time. 好久没有见到你了。

对于Miranda来说,需要做的不过是花点儿时间给另一个人找到一个suitable alternative, 合适的替换位置。alternative,选择,选择的自由,选择的余地。比如:If you don't like the school lunch, you have the alternative of bringing your own. 要是你不喜欢学校准备的午餐,你可以自己带饭。

对于一个so absurdly overpaid job,absurdly荒唐地;overpaid,多付款的,也就是一个酬金高的离谱的工作,那个人一定会jumped at it. jump at “欣然接受,急切地抓住”。比如:He took a running jump at stock exchange and make no money on it. 他急急地去炒股票,一点钱也没赚到。You should have jump at such a good chance. 这样的好机会, 你应该抓住。从Miranda的选词上大家可以感觉的到她对对话中的Jacqueline是反感的。

Miranda随后告诉了Andy自己之所以没有被换掉,是因为手中有一个足以要挟老板的名单,里面都是愿意跟随她同时离开的设计师,编辑等等。因为有了这个,老板才决定reconsidered. 大家对以re为前缀的单词都不陌生了。这个前缀表示“再,又,重来”。再比如,restart,重新开始; reborn重生等等。

尽管Miranda足以自救,但内心还是对Andy急切的要帮助她有些感动。并且难得的说了句比较感性的话。I see a great deal of myself in you. 这句话不难理解,我能在你身上看到很多自己的影子。也就是她们有很多相似之处。


Miranda的判断也并非毫无依据,因为在努力适应助理工作的过程中,想要证明自己的一个途径,就是要比别人做的更好。所以不管有意无意,都会以挫伤另一个另一些人为代价。所以,Miranda在Andy提出质疑后,说到:You chose to get ahead. Get ahead,“取得进步;超过”。再比如:Decide what you need to learn to get ahead. 想象为了领先一步你要学点什么。A man has to strike out for himself if he wants to get ahead. 一个人要想出人头地,就得自己去打天下。

Andy对Miranda给自己的评价并不认同,但是却无法清晰的表达自己的想法,所以,接下来的两个句子里,Andy使用了两个what if 引导的从句。What if “如果……将会怎么样”,一个比较常用的句式。比如:But what if several blows land at the same time? 然而,假如多重打击同时不期而至呢?What if the US unemployment rate rises above 10 per cent and stays there for an extended period? 如果美国失业率升至10%以上、并长期保持在这一水平,结果将会怎样?

这两个假设,其实是Andy自己在问自己。是啊,还有谁能比自己更清楚内心的追求和渴望呢?想明白,只需要刹那,推开车门,Andy扔掉了手机,毫不犹豫的选择离开。电影最后,她的前任Emily拄着拐杖重新回到Runway。每个人都有自己追逐的目标。Andy无法接受,不愿适应的规则未必就是错的,也未必不适合其他人。就看你是不是明白 什么才是自己追求的,能令自己快乐的了。好了,和Andy挥手道别吧,另一位职场新鲜人在下一期等着我们。

Miranda: You thought I didn't know. 你以为我不知道?
I've known what was happening for quite some time.It just took me a little while to find a suitable alternative for Jacqueline.And that James Holtjob was so absurdly overpaid...that, of course, she jumped at it. 我早先就知道他们在搞什么。不过是花了我一点时间帮杰奎琳安排个其它合适的位子,而詹姆斯·浩特的主管位子油水大的不得了。理所当然,她高兴得不行。
So I just had to tell Irv that Jacqueline was unavailable. 这样我就告诉俄弗杰奎琳另有打算。
The truth is, there is no one that can do what I do...including her. 事实是,没有人能干得像我一样,包括她。
Any of the other choices would have found that job impossible...and the magazine would have suffered. 任何其他人选都无法胜任这项工作,杂志社自身也会受影响。
Especially because of the list. The list of designers, photographers...editors, writers, models, all of whom were found by me, nurtured by me...and have promised me they will follow me...whenever and if ever I choose to leave Runway. 特别是当我拿出一张名单,拿出来一张设计师、摄影师、编辑、作家、模特等等,所有经我发掘、培养并答应即使我离开《天桥》也会和我共同进退的人的名单,
So he reconsidered.于是他重新考虑了。
But I was very, very how intently you tried to warn me. 但是,当你想方设法的试图警告我时,我还是非常、非常的感动。
I never thought I would say this, Andrea...but I really...I see a great deal of myself in you. You can see beyond what people want and what they need...and you can choose for yourself. 我从没想过我会对你说这些,安吉丽雅,我真的在你身上看到很多与我相似的地方。你能看透别人的想法和需要,你会为自己做出选择。
Andrea: I don't think I'm like that. I... I couldn't do what you did to Nigel, Miranda. I couldn't do something like that. 我不觉得我像你……我不能像你那样对奈杰尔,马琳达。我不能做出那样的事
Miranda: Mm. You already did. To Emily. 你已经做了。对艾米莉。
Andrea: That's not what I... No, that was... that was different. I didn't have a choice. 那不是我想……不,那是不一样的,我没得选。
Miranda: Oh, no, you chose. You chose to get ahead. You want this life, those choices are necessary. 但你选了,你选择了超越她。你想过这样的生活,这些选择是必须的。
Andrea: But what if this isn't what I want? I mean, what if I don't wanna live the way you live? 但如果这不是我想要的呢?我是说,如果我不想要过你这样的生活呢?
Miranda: Don't be ridiculous, Andrea. Everybody wants this. Everybody wants to be us. 别傻了,安吉丽雅,每一个人都想过这种生活,每一个人都想和我们一样。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
extended [iks'tendid]


adj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的

unavailable ['ʌnə'veiləbl]


adj. 得不到的,没空的,不能利用的

ridiculous [ri'dikjuləs]


adj. 荒谬的,可笑的

impossible [im'pɔsəbl]


adj. 不可能的,做不到的

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

unemployment ['ʌnim'plɔimənt]


n. 失业,失业人数

suitable ['sju:təbl]


adj. 合适的,适宜的
adv. 合适

alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv]


adj. 两者择一的; 供选择的; 非主流的

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜



adj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的






