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成长的烦恼第七季 第23集:The Last Picture Show 1

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Jason: You've had that silly grin on your face ever since we left the airport. Come on, when do I get to hear the news?
Maggie: What makes you think I've got news?
Jason: Oh, I know that look Maggie. Either, you've got some good news or you just saw Hari Krishna getting his robe caught in the baggage carousel.
Maggie: Maybe I do, maybe I don't.
Jason: Oh you love teasing me don't you?
Maggie: I am not teasing you. I know something you don't know.
Jason: So I take it the story on Senator Howard went well.
Maggie: Uh-huh.
Jason: And you got lots of good material for your column, and….
Maggie: So what's new?
Jason: Either you talk or I am going to turn this car into oncoming traffic.
Maggie: Ok, not only did I get a great interview for the paper, but Senator Howard was very impressed with me.
Jason: There is a Simi approaching Maggie, spill it.
Maggie: The Senator offered me a job.
Jason: What?!?!
Maggie: Executive director of media relations.
Jason: Oh, well that's fantastic!
Maggie: With a great salary.
Jason: Yeah!
Maggie: Yes, there is only one small catch.
Jason: What? No parking space?
Maggie: Oh, yes, with my name on it. But it's in Washington DC.
Jason: Ah!
Maggie: I can't tell you what an ego boost it was to have the Senator insist I take this job. Do you know what its like to have someone begging at your knees?
Jason: Well, just when Mike needs gas money.
Maggie: And the executive search committee has stopped looking for any other candidates.
Jason: Honey that is very flattering, I guess you really suppressed them. I mean it's not many women walk out of a Senators office saying no. I would have loved to have seen the look on that cranky old geezers face.
Maggie: Jason, Senator Howard is a woman.
Jason: Oh! Well that explains the pearls he wore on nightline. So how did she take it when you turned her down?
Maggie: Well, actually…
Jason: You did turn her down Maggie?
Maggie: There was a "No" in my heart, but "I'll think about it" came out of my mouth.
Jason: Why didn't "No, my family lives in New York" come out?
Maggie: Well Jason what was I suppose to say? Sorry, I can't help you chart the world's go-political future; there is a pork festival at the Piggly-Wiggly.
Jason: Simple, "Stuff it Senator" would suffice.
Maggie: Oh really? And would you have said stuff it if you had been offered the perfect job?
Jason: The Islanders already have a goalie.
Maggie: Oh! Jason I'm serious.
Jason: Well Maggie, if it meant un-employing my spouse and uprooting my children, yes of course, I would have to say no.
Maggie: Well obviously I'm turning it down. But you could have at least let me revel in the fantasy for a minute, before tightening down the guilt screws.
Jason: I'm sorry, let's revel.
Maggie: Now I don't feel like it.
Jason: Come on Maggie, please, I am begging for details now.
Maggie: Well it is kind of impressive. I would have had a staff of twenty people.
Jason: Wow!
Maggie: I would have been testifying before congress and lobbying for consumer rights.
Jason: You in congress?
Maggie: Yes, I would have had a major voice in shaping legislation. I actually would have had more to say in running this government then Marilyn Quail.
Jason: I had no idea it was this big.
Maggie: Oh honey, it's the perfect blend of journalism and rights advocacy. It's everything I have ever wanted in a job. Oh boy, I just realized the longer I put off turning this down the sadder I'll be. I'll call the Senator right now.
Jason: Maggie you can't turn this job down.
Maggie: Now you revel.
Jason: Honey I'm serious, I'm deadly serious. This job is just too good for you to refuse.
Maggie: Jason this is nuts.
Jason: Well wait a minute, we have been taking care of the kids all these years, haven't we always said we needed to do something for ourselves?
Maggie: Well I always assumed you meant his and her massages at Mr. Steve's.
Jason: Maggie, think about this.
Maggie, Jason what about your practice?
Jason: Well I have wanted to do some clinical work. There are great clinics in Washington. Maggie, maybe its time that I shook my life up a little bit too.
Maggie: But what about yanking the kids out of school?
Jason: Carol is an adult, Mike is over twenty-one.
Maggie: Well what about Ben and Chrissy?
Jason: Honey they are cute, somebody will take then in. Honey, this could be a great opportunity for them.
Maggie: You mean just pick up and move?
Jason: Well we will discuss it with the whole family.
Maggie: Oh Jason!
Jason: I just thought of another fringe benefit.
Maggie: What?
Jason: If you get on Good Morning America I could meet Joan London.
Maggie: Oh!
Chrissy: What is a Seaver summit anyway?
Mike: Well it's a supper duper important family meeting.
Carol: Presumably important enough to make us miss Cross Fire with Pat Buchanan and Pewee Herman.
Ben: So important that we have only had two in my lifetime. The last one was to tell us you were going to be born.
Mike: Yeah, and the other was when you got caught singing "I'm looking under a two legged wonder" during nap time.
Jason: All right, glad you're all here.
Carol: This had better be good.
Maggie: Oh it is, at least we hope you all think it is.
Ben: Oh my God! You're going to have another baby.
Jason and Maggie: No, no!
Jason: But your mom does have some exciting news she'd like to share with you.
Chrissy: We are finally getting a dog?
Maggie: No, we are moving.
Mike: We are what?
Ben: No way!
Carol: No kidding!
Chrissy: No dog?
Maggie: I mean, we might move, that is if you all…
Jason: Maggie why don't you just back and start at page one.
Maggie: Everybody sit down. You all know I have been doing a series of interviews with Senator Howard.
Mike: Yeah, isn't he that guy who wore pearls on Night Line?
Maggie: Senator Howard is a woman.
Mike: Get out of town.
Maggie: And yesterday she offered me a job as executive director of media relations. That means moving the family to Washington DC.
Ben: To bad, sounded like a great gig. Well I'm off to Stinky's.
Jason: Woo…Ben, Ben, the Seaver summate is far from over.
Ben: She is your woman dad, you straighten her out.
Jason: Sit of pay rent.
Chrissy: I don't understand what's going on here.
Maggie: Well honey, mommy is thinking about getting a new job.
Chrissy: You're not going to be my mommy any more?
Maggie: No sweetheart, I will always be your mommy. But we are thinking about moving to a wonderful place called Washington DC.
Chrissy: The murder capital of the USA? That's what I heard on hard copy.
Jason: Well obviously we have a lot of questions to ask, a lot of thinks to talk about over the next couple of days.
Mike: Oh Boy, that means a lot more boring chit-chat until mom finally comes to her senses.
Maggie: Mike!
Carol: Mike I really don't appreciate your caviler attitude towards mom's career.
Mike: Yeah, well, that's the difference between you and me.
Carol: Yeah, I know what caviler means.
Chrissy: Carol, why does mommy want a new job?
Carol: Well, because it is a great opportunity.
Chrissy: why?
Carol: Well she will have the kind of job that most women only dream of.
Chrissy: Why?
Carol: Chrissy, I am going to speak to you not as a sister, but as a "sister".
Chrissy: Ok.
Carol: Now, as you may have noticed, we live in a male dominated society where in women are mere chattel. Our mother, "our sister" has the rare opportunity to shrug off the yoke of male oppression. Are you with me so far?
Chrissy: Did you know your nostrils move when you say the letter "M".
Carol: I'm sorry Chrissy; I think I was speaking over your head.
Chrissy: It's ok; when we drive to Washington you can explain how mommy is my "sister".
Carol: Sweetheart, if we move to Washington, I'm not going.
Chrissy: Your not?
Carol: Well no, I'm going to stay at Columbia and live in the dorms. And that way I can be closer to Dwight.
Chrissy: And you're happy about that?
Carol: Well of course I am.
Chrissy: That means I'll never see you again.
Carol: Sure you will, we are family and family stays in touch, it's the law.
Chrissy: It is?
Carol: Um-huh. I'm going to be visiting so much you are going to get tired of looking at this face.
Chrissy: Oh, like the way Ben and Mike do.
Carol: No, not like the way Ben and Mike do. But no matter what, we will always be close.
Chrissy: Pinky swear?
Carol: Hug swear.
Chrissy: I love you.
Carol: I love you.
Maggie: Carol that was really sweet.
Carol: Mom, snap out of it, I was talking to a kid. The truth would have warped her.
Maggie: The truth?
Carol: Oh sure we will see a lot of each other in the beginning, but before long it will just be Thanksgiving and Christmas. And before you know it our spouses won't want to come over on the holidays. And before long we will be faxing Valentines and sending cards that say sorry I forgot your birthday.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
guilt [gilt]


n. 罪行,内疚

shrug [ʃrʌg]


n. 耸肩
v. 耸肩

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

blend [blend]


v. 混合
n. 混合物

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

woo [wu:]


v. 向 ... 求爱,追求,恳求

drawer ['drɔ:ə]


n. 抽屉,拖曳者,制图员,开票人

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

legislation [.ledʒis'leiʃən]


n. 立法,法律





