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  • [俚语口头禅] 俚语口头禅:Follow one's heart[做自己想做的

    俚语口头禅:Follow one's heart[做自己想做的事情] Follow one's heart (verb phrase)【句子对照】"I'm quitting my job and I'm going to follow my heart. I've decided to move to Rome."我准备辞掉..

    2006-04-22 编辑:admin

  • [俚语口头禅] 俚语口头禅:Brainstorm[集体讨论]

    俚语口头禅:Brainstorm[集体讨论]【句子对照】Let's all sit around and brainstorm about how to solve global warming.我们一起做下来集体讨论一下如何解决全球变暖的问题。【关键俚语】brainstorm 英:To conce

    2006-04-22 编辑:admin

  • [俚语口头禅] 俚语口头禅:Sick as a dog[病的十分严重]

    俚语口头禅:Sick as a dog[病的十分严重]【句子对照】Yesterday I was sick as a dog with the flu. I stayed in bed all day.昨天因为感冒我病的十分严重,整天都在床上躺着。【关键俚语】sick as a dog (adjectiv

    2006-04-22 编辑:admin

  • [俚语口头禅] 俚语口头禅:Dry run[演习/排练]

    俚语口头禅:Dry run[演习/排练]【句子对照】I'd like to do a dry run of our presentation. I need more practice using the microphone.为了演出,我想排练一次。我应该多掌握一下如何使用麦克风。【关键俚语】d

    2006-04-22 编辑:admin

  • [俚语口头禅] 俚语口头禅:Be a wiz at somethi

    俚语口头禅:Be a wiz at something[在某方面有天赋]【句子对照】"You're a wiz at math! You should be a math teacher." 你真的诗歌数学天才!你应该当数学老师。【关键俚语】be a wiz at something (verb phra

    2006-04-22 编辑:admin

  • [俚语口头禅] 俚语口头禅:Hype[大作广告]

    俚语口头禅:Hype[大作广告]【句子对照】The new movie by Steven is getting a lot of hype. 史蒂文的新片正在大作广告。【关键俚语】Hype英:Loud advertising and promotion 中:大作广告

    2006-04-22 编辑:admin

  • [俚语口头禅] 俚语口头禅:Quick buck

    俚语口头禅:Quick buck【句子对照】He doesn't care about you -- all he wants is to make a quick buck. 他跟本就不关心你,而他所关心的是马上挣钱。【关键俚语】quick buck 英:Fast and easy profit; money m

    2006-04-22 编辑:admin

  • [俚语口头禅] 俚语口头禅:French leave

    俚语口头禅:French leave【句子对照】He took French leave during the dinner party.宴会上他不辞而别。【关键俚语】French leave英:leaving without saying goodbye.中:不辞而别

    2006-04-22 编辑:admin

  • [俚语口头禅] 俚语口头禅:Crash course

    俚语口头禅:Crash course【句子对照】I did a 15-week crash course in typing.我参加了一个15周打字速成班。【关键俚语】crash course英:concentrated, short term course 中:速成班

    2006-04-22 编辑:admin

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