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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The police trial had passed, in which the case of John Douglas was referred to a higher court. So had the Quarter Sessions, at which he was acquitted as having acted in self-defense.经过警署审理,约翰·道格拉斯案转到上一级法庭。地方法庭以自卫杀人无罪,宣判释放。
"Get him out of England at any cost," wrote Holmes to the wife. "There are forces here which may be more dangerous than those he has escaped. There is no safety for your husband in England."“不借任何代价,一定要让他离开英国,"福尔摩斯给爱德华妻子的信中写道,“这里危机四伏,甚至比他逃过的那些危难还要凶险许多。在英国,没有你丈夫安全栖身之地。”
Two months had gone by, and the case had to some extent passed from our minds. Then one morning there came an enigmatic note slipped into our letter box. "Dear me, Mr. Holmes. Dear me!" said this singular epistle. There was neither superscription nor signature. I laughed at the quaint message; but Holmes showed unwonted seriousness.两个月过去了,我们把这件案子渐渐淡忘了。可是一天早晨,我们的信箱里收到一封莫名片妙的信。信上只有简单的几个字:“天哪,福尔摩斯先生,天哪!"既无地址,又无署名。我看了这离奇古怪的语句,不觉好笑,可是福尔摩斯却显得异常严肃。
"Deviltry, Watson!" he remarked, and sat long with a clouded brow.“这一定是坏事情,华生!"福尔摩斯说道,双眉紧锁坐在那里。
Late last night Mrs. Hudson, our landlady, brought up a message that a gentleman wished to see Mr. Holmes, and that the matter was of the utmost importance. Close at the heels of his messenger came Cecil Barker, our friend of the moated Manor House. His face was drawn and haggard.夜里已经很晚了,我们的女房东赫德森太太进来通报说,有一位绅士有要事求见福尔摩斯。紧随着通报人之后,我们在伯尔斯通庄园所结识的朋友塞西尔·巴克走了进来。巴克面色阴郁,形容憔悴。
"I've had bad news--terrible news, Mr. Holmes," said he.“我带来了不幸的消息,可怕的消息,福尔摩斯先生,"巴克说道。
"I feared as much," said Holmes.“我也很担忧呢,"福尔摩斯说道。
"You have not had a cable, have you?"“你没有接到电报吗?”
"I have had a note from someone who has."“我收到一个人写来的信。”
"It's poor Douglas. They tell me his name is Edwards; but he will always be Jack Douglas of Benito Canon to me. I told you that they started together for South Africa in the Palmyra three weeks ago."“可怜的道格拉斯。他们告诉我,他的真名叫爱德华,可是对我来说,他永远是贝尼托峡谷的杰克·道格拉斯。在三星期以前,他们夫妇二人一起乘巴尔米拉号轮船到南非洲去了。”
"The ship reached Cape Town last night. I received this cable from Mrs. Douglas this morning:“昨夜这艘船已驶抵开普敦。今天上午我收到道格拉斯夫人的电报:‘杰克于圣赫勒纳岛附近大风中不幸落海。没有人知
Jack has been lost overboard in gale off St. Helena. No one knows how accident occurred.道如何发生这样的意外事故。
IVY DOUGLAS."艾维·道格拉斯'”
"Ha! It came like that, did it?" said Holmes thoughtfully. "Well, I've no doubt it was well stage-managed."“哎呀!原来如此!"福尔摩斯若有所思地说道,“嗯,我可以肯定,这是有人在幕后周密安排与指挥的。”
"You mean that you think there was no accident?"“你是说,你认为这不是一次意外的事故吗?”
"None in the world."“世界上没有这样的意外事故的。”
"He was murdered?"“他是被人谋杀的吗?”

The police trial had passed, in which the case of John Douglas was referred to a higher court. So had the Quarter Sessions, at which he was acquitted as having acted in self-defense.
"Get him out of England at any cost," wrote Holmes to the wife. "There are forces here which may be more dangerous than those he has escaped. There is no safety for your husband in England."
Two months had gone by, and the case had to some extent passed from our minds. Then one morning there came an enigmatic note slipped into our letter box. "Dear me, Mr. Holmes. Dear me!" said this singular epistle. There was neither superscription nor signature. I laughed at the quaint message; but Holmes showed unwonted seriousness.
"Deviltry, Watson!" he remarked, and sat long with a clouded brow.
Late last night Mrs. Hudson, our landlady, brought up a message that a gentleman wished to see Mr. Holmes, and that the matter was of the utmost importance. Close at the heels of his messenger came Cecil Barker, our friend of the moated Manor House. His face was drawn and haggard.
"I've had bad news--terrible news, Mr. Holmes," said he.
"I feared as much," said Holmes.
"You have not had a cable, have you?"
"I have had a note from someone who has."
"It's poor Douglas. They tell me his name is Edwards; but he will always be Jack Douglas of Benito Canon to me. I told you that they started together for South Africa in the Palmyra three weeks ago."
"The ship reached Cape Town last night. I received this cable from Mrs. Douglas this morning:
Jack has been lost overboard in gale off St. Helena. No one knows how accident occurred.
"Ha! It came like that, did it?" said Holmes thoughtfully. "Well, I've no doubt it was well stage-managed."
"You mean that you think there was no accident?"
"None in the world."
"He was murdered?"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度

quaint [kweint]


adj. 古雅的,离奇有趣的,奇怪的

enigmatic [.enig'mætik]


adj. 谜的,莫明其妙的,不可思议的

messenger ['mesindʒə]


n. 报信者,先驱

seriousness ['siəriəsnis]


n. 严肃,认真

canon ['kænən]


n. 教规,标准,准则,真经,真作,[音]卡农曲 n.

singular ['siŋgjulə]


adj. 个人的,单数的,独一的,唯一的,非凡的

cape [keip]


n. 岬,海角,披肩

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力

epistle [i'pisl]


n. 书信





