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China's dependence on foreign iron ore will likely reach new records, industry officials said, which could help underpin slumping global prices and intensify Beijing's efforts to diversify sources of the important steelmaking ingredient.

The forecast also foresees a rise in China's steel production despite government efforts to curb an industry widely seen as bloated and polluting. Beijing has pledged to curb industry suffering from overcapacity as part of its effort to restructure its economy, but the effort is politically difficult in places where such facilities are major employers.
China is the world's biggest buyer of iron ore, accounting for 63% of global imports last year. This year, its iron-ore imports are likely to rise 6% to a record 870 million metric tons, Li Xinchuang, executive deputy secretary-general with the state-backed China Iron and Steel Association, said at an industry conference Tuesday.
中国是全球最大的铁矿石进口国,中国去年进口的铁矿石占全球进口量的63%。中国钢铁工业协会(China Iron and Steel Association)常务副秘书长李新创周二在一个行业会议上表示,今年中国的铁矿石进口量可能会增加6%,达到创纪录的8.70亿吨。
Steelmakers are buying ore even as inventory at port-side warehouses piles up to near-record levels and a slowdown weighs on the broader Chinese economy. 'A lot of mills are now importing ore in competition with each other,' Mr. Li said. 'It's like, if I see that you're bringing in ore, I have to bring in ore as well.'
Part of the appetite may derive from rising global ore supply, which is making prices more attractive. The world's top iron ore producers are set to produce an additional 126 million tons, or 14% more, iron ore by the end of this year compared with last year, according to analysts.
For miners, Chinese demand could help ease that price slide. Iron-ore prices are down 21% from a year earlier to around $122 a ton this week for a benchmark grade of fine ore, due to slower global growth as well as oversupply, though they picked up slightly toward the end of 2013 on Chinese buying interest.
China's cost of producing its own ore remains high at around 457 yuan ($74) a ton, compared with $30 to $60 a ton for imported ore, said Pan Guocheng, chief executive officer of China Hanking Holdings Ltd., a Chinese ore miner.
中国铁矿石开采商中国罕王控股有限公司(China Hanking Holdings Ltd.)总裁潘国成表示,国内铁矿石生产成本约为每吨人民币457元(约合74美元),依然较高,相比之下进口成本每吨仅为30-60美元。
The disparity is driving China's longer-term dependence on foreign ore, which Mr. Pan expects will rise to 77% of its total ore consumption in 2016 from 72% last year. He projected China's ore imports in 2016 would reach 949 million tons.
Sensitive to reducing its dependence on foreign suppliers, the country's top economic planners last month publicly urged Chinese steelmakers to continue shopping for ore assets abroad.
Mr. Li said China is likely to see more iron-ore imports coming from China-owned projects in Africa, rather than its traditional suppliers in Brazil and Australia. The two countries--home to the world's largest global miners BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Vale SA--still supply a combined 70% of China's ore.
李新创说,中国可能会从自己拥有的非洲项目进口更多铁矿石,而不是进口更多的巴西和澳大利亚传统供应商的铁矿石。巴西和澳大利亚拥有必和必拓(BHP Billiton)、力拓(Rio Tinto)、淡水河谷(Vale SA)等全球最大的铁矿石生产企业,中国70%的铁矿石供应来自这两个国家。
Africa currently accounts for just 8% of China's supply--3% if longtime supplier South Africa is excluded--but Beijing has been building relations with at least 15 African nations, picking up small ore shipments last year from new suppliers such as Guinea-Bissau, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Swaziland, customs data show.
Last year, London-listed African Minerals Ltd. said Tianjin Minerals & Equipment Group Corp., one of China's largest ore trading companies, will pay $990 million for a mine in Sierra Leone. China Minmetals Corp. has a six-year-old ore supply deal with Mauritania. State-owned Aluminum Corp. of China is jointly developing the large Simandou iron ore deposit with Rio Tinto in the West African nation of Guinea.
伦敦上市的非洲矿业公司African Minerals Ltd.去年表示,中国大型铁矿石贸易公司天津物产集团有限公司(Tianjin Minerals & Equipment Group Corp.)将斥资9.9亿美元收购塞拉利昂一个铁矿。中国五矿集团公司(China Minmetals Corp.)与毛里塔尼亚签署了一项为期六年的铁矿石供应协议。中国铝业股份有限公司(Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd., 简称:中国铝业)正在西非国家几内亚与力拓联合开发Simandou大型铁矿石项目。
Mr. Li said China still has a strategic need to break free of the market dominance held by BHP, Rio Tinto and Vale. 'The speaking rights of global miners are still too strong,' he said, using a Chinese term that roughly means 'power.'
Beijing is trying to wield tighter control over a smaller steel industry, to reduce its price volatility and environmental footprint. But output of crude steel, most of which go into China's construction, automotive and manufacturing sectors, is likely to reach a record 815 million metric tons, Mr. Li said.
'Overstimulus in the past has produced complications and a reform dilemma,' Mr. Li said. 'Overcapacity in the steel industry is larger than we imagined.'
Still, the association says the pace of growth will slow to 3% this year from 7.5% last year. Demand from the construction of smaller cities and towns will likely underpin the growth in steel consumption, Mr. Li said.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intensify [in'tensifai]


vt. 增强,强化,加剧,加厚
vi. 强化

association [ə.səusi'eiʃən]


n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想

additional [ə'diʃənl]


adj. 附加的,另外的

reform [ri'fɔ:m]


v. 改革,改造,革新
n. 改革,改良

volatility [.vɔlə'tiliti]


n. 挥发性,挥发度,轻快,(性格)反复无常

aluminum [ə'lju:minəm]


n. 铝

strategic [strə'ti:dʒik]


adj. 战略的,重要的,基本的

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

deputy ['depjuti]


adj. 代理的,副的
n. 代表,副手

jointly ['dʒɔ:intli]


adv. 共同地,连带地


关键字: 双语 铁矿石 进口




