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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第7章Part 3

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
So she had almost a wholeyear of the company of her peers and along with them learned to spell and count. She was seven,and those two hours in the afternoon were precious to her. Especially so because she had done it onher own and was pleased and surprised by the pleasure and surprise it created in her mother andher brothers. For a nickel a month, Lady Jones did what whitepeople thought unnecessary if notillegal: crowded her little parlor with the colored children who had time for and interest in booklearning. The nickel, tied to a handkerchief knot, tied to her belt, that she carried to Lady Jones,thrilled her. The effort to handle chalk expertly and avoid the scream it would make; the capital w,the little i, the beauty of the letters in her name, the deeply mournful sentences from the BibleLady Jones used as a textbook. Denver practiced every morning; starred every afternoon. She wasso happy she didn't even know she was being avoided by her classmates — that they made excusesand altered their pace not to walk with her. It was Nelson Lord — the boy as smart as she was —who put a stop to it; who asked her the question about her mother that put chalk, the little i and allthe rest that those afternoons held, out of reach forever. She should have laughed when he said it,or pushed him down, but there was no meanness in his face or his voice. Just curiosity. But thething that leapt up in her when he asked it was a thing that had been lying there all along.于是她有几乎整整一年时间可以和同学们相伴,和他们一起学习拼写和算术。她那时七岁,那些下午的两个钟头一直为她所珍视。尤其可贵的是,她做下这件事全靠自己,还因为让妈妈和哥哥们喜出望外而喜出望外。每月收费五分钱,琼斯女士做了白人们认为即便合法也毫无必要的事情:让她的小客厅里挤满那些有时间也有兴趣读书的黑孩子。带给琼斯女士的五分钱系在手绢里,拴在腰带上,这让丹芙热血沸腾。她学着尽量老练地使用粉笔,以免发出尖声;欣赏大写的W、小写的i、自己名字里字母的美,还有琼斯女士用作课本的《圣经》里深切哀怆的句子。丹芙每天早上温习功课,每天下午去一显身手。她是这样快乐,都不知道自己在被同学们回避着——他们找借口、改变步调,不跟她走到一起。是内尔森·洛德——那个跟她一样聪明的男孩——终止了这一切;他问起了关于她妈妈的问题,使得粉笔、小写i和那些下午包含的其余内容变得永远不可企及。他问问题的时候,她本该一笑置之,或者把他推个跟头,可是他的脸上和声音里都没有恶意,只有好奇。然而他提问时在她心里跳将起来的东西,事实上蛰伏已久了。
She never went back. The second day she didn't go, Sethe asked her why not. Denver didn't answer.她再也没有回去。第二天她没去上学,塞丝问她为什么。丹芙没有回答。
She was too scared to ask her brothers or anyone else Nelson Lord's question because certain oddand terrifying feelings about her mother were collecting around the thing that leapt up inside her. Later on, after Baby Suggs died, she did not wonder why Howard and Buglar had run away. Shedid not agree with Sethe that they left because of the ghost. If so, what took them so long? Theyhad lived with it as long as she had. But if Nelson Lord was right — no wonder they were sulky,staying away from home as much as they could.她害怕得不敢找她的哥哥或是别的什么人去问内尔森·洛德的问题,因为关于她妈妈的某种古怪而可怕的感觉,正在那从她心里跳将起来的东西周围聚集。后来,贝比·萨格斯去世后,她已不再奇怪,霍华德和巴格勒为什么要出走。她不同意塞丝的解释,说什么是因为鬼才离开的。如果真是这样,他们为什么耽搁这么久呢?他们同它一起生活的时间跟她一样长。但是,如果内尔森·洛德说得对——那就怪不得他们要那么闷闷不乐,尽可能远地离开家了。
Meanwhile the monstrous and unmanageable dreams about Sethe found release in theconcentration Denver began to fix on the baby ghost. Before Nelson Lord, she had been barelyinterested in its antics. The patience of her mother and grandmother in its presence made herindifferent to it. Then it began to irritate her, wear her out with its mischief. That was when shewalked off to follow the children to Lady Jones' house-school. Now it held for her all the anger,love and fear she didn't know what to do with. Even when she did muster the courage to askNelson Lord's question, she could not hear Sethe's answer, nor Baby Suggs' words, nor anything atall thereafter. For two years she walked in a silence too solid for penetration but which gave hereyes a power even she found hard to believe. The black nostrils of a sparrow sitting on a branchsixty feet above her head, for instance. For two years she heard nothing at all and then she heardclose thunder crawling up the stairs. Baby Suggs thought it was Here Boy padding into places henever went. Sethe thought it was the India-rubber ball the boys played with bounding down the stairs.与此同时,丹芙开始专心致志地对付那个小鬼魂,于是,有关塞丝的不可开交的噩梦获得了解脱。在内尔森·洛德提问以前,她很少对它的胡闹感兴趣。既然她妈妈和奶奶对鬼魂的出没表现得相当耐心,她便对它漠不关心了。后来,它开始惹恼她,用恶作剧搞得她疲惫不堪。那正是她走出门、跟着孩子们去琼斯女士的家庭学校上学的时候。于是,她所有的愤怒、爱和恐惧都系于小鬼魂一身,她对此完全不知如何是好。甚至当她真的鼓起勇气去问内尔森·洛德问过的问题时,她也听不见塞丝的回答,听不见贝比·萨格斯的回答,听不见此后的任何一句话。整整两年时间,她一直在一种坚实得无法穿透的寂静之中度过,但她的眼睛却因而得到了一种她自己都不敢置信的力量。比如,她看得见一只蹲在头顶上六十英尺高树枝上的麻雀的两个黑鼻孔。她有整整两年什么都听不见;然后,就突然听见了近处爬楼梯的轰响。贝比·萨格斯以为是"来,小鬼"走进了它从来不去的地方。塞丝以为是儿子玩的印第安橡皮球滚下了楼梯。

So she had almost a wholeyear of the company of her peers and along with them learned to spell and count. She was seven,and those two hours in the afternoon were precious to her. Especially so because she had done it onher own and was pleased and surprised by the pleasure and surprise it created in her mother andher brothers. For a nickel a month, Lady Jones did what whitepeople thought unnecessary if notillegal: crowded her little parlor with the colored children who had time for and interest in booklearning. The nickel, tied to a handkerchief knot, tied to her belt, that she carried to Lady Jones,thrilled her. The effort to handle chalk expertly and avoid the scream it would make; the capital w,the little i, the beauty of the letters in her name, the deeply mournful sentences from the BibleLady Jones used as a textbook. Denver practiced every morning; starred every afternoon. She wasso happy she didn't even know she was being avoided by her classmates — that they made excusesand altered their pace not to walk with her. It was Nelson Lord — the boy as smart as she was —who put a stop to it; who asked her the question about her mother that put chalk, the little i and allthe rest that those afternoons held, out of reach forever. She should have laughed when he said it,or pushed him down, but there was no meanness in his face or his voice. Just curiosity. But thething that leapt up in her when he asked it was a thing that had been lying there all along.
She never went back. The second day she didn't go, Sethe asked her why not. Denver didn't answer.
She was too scared to ask her brothers or anyone else Nelson Lord's question because certain oddand terrifying feelings about her mother were collecting around the thing that leapt up inside her. Later on, after Baby Suggs died, she did not wonder why Howard and Buglar had run away. Shedid not agree with Sethe that they left because of the ghost. If so, what took them so long? Theyhad lived with it as long as she had. But if Nelson Lord was right — no wonder they were sulky,staying away from home as much as they could.
Meanwhile the monstrous and unmanageable dreams about Sethe found release in theconcentration Denver began to fix on the baby ghost. Before Nelson Lord, she had been barelyinterested in its antics. The patience of her mother and grandmother in its presence made herindifferent to it. Then it began to irritate her, wear her out with its mischief. That was when shewalked off to follow the children to Lady Jones' house-school. Now it held for her all the anger,love and fear she didn't know what to do with. Even when she did muster the courage to askNelson Lord's question, she could not hear Sethe's answer, nor Baby Suggs' words, nor anything atall thereafter. For two years she walked in a silence too solid for penetration but which gave hereyes a power even she found hard to believe. The black nostrils of a sparrow sitting on a branchsixty feet above her head, for instance. For two years she heard nothing at all and then she heardclose thunder crawling up the stairs. Baby Suggs thought it was Here Boy padding into places henever went. Sethe thought it was the India-rubber ball the boys played with bounding down the stairs.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
precious ['preʃəs]


adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

curiosity [.kjuəri'ɔsiti]


n. 好奇,好奇心

muster ['mʌstə]


v. 集合,收集,鼓起,激起
n. 集合,检阅

padding ['pædiŋ]


n. 垫充,垫塞,填料,废话

patience ['peiʃəns]


n. 耐心,忍耐,毅力
n. 单人玩的牌

scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑

unnecessary [ʌn'nesisəri]


adj. 不必要的,多余的

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默





