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李阳易说堂 英语发音视频讲座:第5期

来源:易说堂 编辑:phoenix   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

欢迎来到易说堂英语语音学习!学习区分/i: /和/i/这两个前元音。这两个音不仅仅存在长短的差别,更重要的还有音调高低的差别。发长音/i: /的时候,可以依照汉语中的“衣”音,但舌面要离开上腭,使气流从口腔泄出时不在舌面上发生任何摩擦。这里有一个特别的方法,可以使你在发音时避免发生摩擦,这种方法被人们称为微笑的“一”,就是在面部保持一种微笑的状态下发汉语的“一”,这时汉语“一”发音和英语的/i: /就极其接近。/i: /和/i/虽是一长一短的一对,但它们的发音效果却不一样,发/i/音时,音不仅要短,舌面还要离开上腭再稍远一点。发这个音的关键是掌握这个音短暂,高亢,清脆和有力的特点。大家还是跟J老师读些单词短语句子来练习这两个发音。

Read groups of words to practice the /i: / and /i/
1. feel fill
2. peak pick
3. sheep ship
4. seat sit
5. lead lid
6. heat hit
7. beat bit
8. read rid

Please read phrases to practice the sounds
1. sitting on the seat
2. feeling very sick
3. receiving a gift
4. reading practice
5. not fit the feet
6. a bit too meek
7. a bit too sweet
8. shipping the sheep

Please read some sentences to further practice the sounds.
1. I feel very sick.
2. Please sit on the seat.
3. Keep it between you and me.
4. The kid is sleeping.
5. Keep the lid for later use.
6. He is picking tea-leaves on the peak.
7. He will finish reading the article in a minute.
8. The kids are having a picnic at the seaside.
9. Seeing is believing.
10. Ill set, ill get.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

lid [lid]


n. 盖,眼睑
vt. 给 ... 装盖子





