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小学综合英语 4A Unit 5 Treasure Hunt

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit 5 Treasure Hunt
Last Sunday,Jane took the children on a picnic.
-Shall we have a trea-sure hunt?
-Oh,yes! Jane hid some coins and drew a map.
She gave the children the map and a set of clues.
They found the trea-sure very quickly.
-The treasure isn't very valuable.
Can we have another treasure hunt?Can you make the treasure more valuable?
-The hiding place wasn't very interest-ing.Can you make itmore interesting?
-The map was very easy Can you make it more difficult?
Jane hid something more valuable.She hid it in a more interest-ing place,
and she gave the children a more difficult map.
They looked for two hours but they could not find the treasure.
Jane was not sorry. It was her new watch.
Sally Structure
The second map was more difficult than the first.
The second treasure was more valuable than the first.
The second hiding place was more interesting than the first.
Peter and John are talking about the treasure hunts.
Peter:Did you enjoy the treasure hunts yesterday?
John:Yes,I did.The second treasure hunt was more exciting than the first.
Peter:Yes,it was.
John:The second map was more interesting than the first.
Peter:Yes,it was.
John:What was the second treasure?
Peter:It was Jane's watch.
John:Then it was more valuable than the first.

关键字: 小学 综合 英语 4A




