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小学综合英语 3A Unit 8 Keep off the Grass

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Unit 8
Keep off the grass.Picture 1.
Jenny is visiting Peter's school.It is his school's Open Day.Picture 2.
Can we go into this room,Peter?No,we can't. look at the notice.
It says,'keep out.'Picture 3.
Can we walk on the grass?I'm sorry,we can't. Look at the notice.
It says,'keep off the grass.'Picture 4.
Can I feed the monkeys,Peter?No,you can't.
The notice says,'Donot feed the animals'.Picture 5.
Don't touch it,Jenny. The notice says,'Do not touch.'Picture 6.
Jenny is unhappy. Can I go into that room?Yes,you can.
You can go to the toilet.Picture 7.
What can we do now, Peter? We can go home!
Gogo structure Keep out.
Read and match.
keep off the grass. Don't touch.Keep out.
Don't feed the animals.Say and write.
This park is near Jenny's school.What do the signs mean?
Do not litter Do not play football.No dogs.
Exit Do not ride a bicycle.
1.Exit Read and write.
home is
can grass visiting feed into
Jenny is ___ Peter's school.

关键字: 英语 综合 小学 3A




