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Hannah 晚上要和老公出去看电影,所以雇了临时保姆Elliot来家里照顾女儿Amber。

Professor: During the last episode at the playground Amber hit another child and stole the ball he was playing with. She sounds like a troublemaker, doesn't she?

可不是嘛! 看来Elliot今晚有得忙了!

Hannah: Hi there, Elliot. Thanks for being on time. We're just about to leave for the movie.

Elliot: Hi Hannah. You know, I love kids. I think I will have a lot of fun with Amber.

Hannah: That's great, but I should warn you: Amber can be a handful.

Elliot: Don't worry, I'm a very patient person. Even if Amber misbehaves I'm sure she won't get on my nerves. Professor, Hannah 提醒 Elliot, 说 "Amber is a handful," 这是什么意思呢?

Professor: You can say someone is "a handful" if he or she gives you lots of trouble. For example, "Paul's girlfriend is really a handful. He has to call her 10 times per day or she complains he doesn't care about her." 原来,a handful 就是那些非常难伺候,总惹麻烦的家伙。不过,Elliot说,自己很有耐心,即便Amber不听话,也不会get on his nerves--惹他生气。

Hannah: First, let me give you some basic rules. Amber has to finish all her dinner. If she doesn't, she can't watch TV.

Elliot: What should I cook for her? Is she a picky eater?

Hannah: I left her dinner in the refrigerator. Make sure you stand on the other side of the room when she eats.

Elliot: Why do I have to do that?

Hannah: Sometimes if Amber doesn't like the food I make her, she screams and throws it at me. 天呀,Hannah说, 如果Amber不喜欢吃什么东西,就会大喊大叫,还会把吃的扔出去! 如果让我看这种孩子,我每小时得要100美金!

Professor: I agree. But Winnie, can you guess what a "picky eater" is? Hmm...picky是 “挑剔”的意思,所以 "picky eater"应该是“挑食的人。”

Professor: Correct. And what does Hannah say will happen if Amber doesn't eat her dinner?


Elliot: She might throw her food at me? Alright ... what should I do with her before dinner?

Hannah: Before dinner you have to help her do her homework. But watch her very carefully when she is holding the pen.

Elliot: Why?

Hannah: If she doesn't know the answer she gets really mad and draws all over the wall.

Elliot: What? Well it's good she is so serious about doing her homework, I guess....

啊?Amber不会做作业,就会发脾气,在墙上乱画?! 这孩子太可怕了,我要是Elliot,现在就拍屁股走人!

Professor: I agree. She definitely doesn't sound like an angel.

An angel? 小天使?

Professor: Yes. Sometimes if a child is really well behaved and nice, you can say that he or she is "an angel."


Elliot: What should I do if she misbehaves?

Hannah: Amber can be really stubborn, so it's probably best to just give her whatever she wants.

Elliot: You mean I shouldn't discipline her at all?

Hannah: No, don't try to discipline her. If things get out of hand, just call my cell phone.

Elliot: What time will you be home? Very soon, I hope?

Hannah: We will be back by midnight. Make yourself at home!

Elliot 有点打退堂鼓了。也是的,Amber听起来好象一点规矩都没有。

Professor: That's right, when parents don't discipline their children, they can get really "out of hand."

可不是么,对于这种不听话的孩子,家长更应该discipline——严格管教,否则,他们就会out of hand——管不了了。对了,Professor, Hannah 让Elliot “make himself at home”,这是什么意思?

Professor: When you have guests at your house and you want them to feel relaxed, you can tell them to make themselves at home. It means "to act as if you are in your own house."


Professor: What would you do?


B: Poor Elliot! It looks like he's got himself a really tough job!

A: 可不,连妈妈都承认自己的孩子是 a handful——难伺候的家伙。She's a picky eater─爱挑食,very stubborn——很拧,而且家长never tries to discipline her ——从来不怎么管教她。真是个令人头疼的小孩儿!

B: Indeed. Kids can be so annoying sometimes!

A: Yes! Parenting is not easy! 希望以后我的孩子是个听话乖巧的小天使,嘿嘿!

B: Did you tell me you were quite a handful when you were little? If that's the case, the chances of your kids being "an angel" would be slim.

A: 嘿!你别打击我了!

B: Okay. I was just kidding! Now let's move on to our next show─business etiquette!

礼节美语——BE-220 Internet Security II


D: We may never be able to trace the origin of this attack. But what we can do is work harder to make our systems impenetrable.

B: Yes, a lot of people are quite lazy with computer security.

D: That's true. For example, many people almost never change their passwords.

B: Or they use ridiculously easy-to-guess passwords.

C: Um....I guess I'm guilty of that. I don't think I've ever changed my password.

Dylan说,他们可能永远都查不到这次骇客袭击是谁干的,但他们可以吃一堑长一智,加倍努力 to make our systems impenetrable. 让我们电脑系统的安全滴水不漏,impenetrable is spelled i-m-p-e-n-e-t-r-a-b-l-e, impenetrable 是无法进入的意思。Brenda说,很多人太大意,不重视电脑安全,从来不换密码,或是用的密码太简单。Cory说,I'm guilty of that. 我就是这种人,从不换密码。Dylan 说,

D: And let me guess...your password is, "1234."

C: Well, it's not quite that simple...

B: Let me take a guess... It's your wife's birthday.

C: That's incredible! How did you guess that? Have you been spying on me?

B: Nope. It's just that you selected one of the most common passwords on the planet. Are you a member of any social networking websites?

C: Yes, a couple.

B: Then your wife's birthday is probably public knowledge.

D: That's right! In the Internet age, very few things are private anymore. If I do a little research on you, I'll bet I can find out where you were born, what school you went to, your wife's maiden name....even the name of your dog!

Dylan和Brenda一下子就猜到了Cory的密码,原来他用的是太太的生日,one of the most common passwords on the planet 最常见的密码之一。由于Cory业余时间用社交网站,所以实际上,他太太的生日简直就是public knowledge 公开的信息。Dylan还说,在互联网和社交网站如此发达的今天,没有多少信息是真正保密的,稍微上网找一下,出生地,上过的学校,太太的名字等等都能找到。Cory说,

C: Wow, I hope I wasn't responsible for this recent attack. What's a good password then?

D: A good password uses a mixture of letters and numbers. For example, think of a simple sentence such as, "I like ice cream on Sundays." Take the first letter from each word in the sentence...and, because Sunday is the first day of the week, add the number 1 at the end.

C: So my password would be, "I-L-I-C-O-S-1?"

B: Yeah! That's a pretty difficult password to break...and it's easy to remember.

D: And...don't forget to change it every couple of months.

C: Good thinking. I'm going to go change my password right now!

Dylan说,密码最好是用字母和数字的组合。他举例说,可以想一句话,I like ice cream on Sundays. 用这句话每个单词的首写字母,最后面再加个1,因为星期天是一周的第一天。这样的密码又好记,又难破译。Cory 高兴地说,他现在就去改密码。

B: Tricky passwords are difficult to hack, but they're easy to forget!

A: Tell me about it! 我就给自己设置过特别难猜的密码,太难猜了,连我自己都想不起来了!

B: You should probably write it down.


B: Hide the paper in a secrete place.

A: (sarcastically)对!放在秘密得连我自己都找不到的地方……

B: 哈哈!In that case, just use your birthday as your password and pray that it doesn't get hacked.

A: 嗯?我听出来了,你损我呢!

B: 好了,不开玩笑了。Let's relax and watch hockey!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
relaxed [ri'lækst]


adj. 放松的, 松懈的,随意的 relax的过去式(

discipline ['disiplin]


n. 训练,纪律,惩罚,学科
vt. 训练,惩

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

secrete [si'kri:t]


v. 隐秘,隐藏,隐匿 v. 分泌

alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]


n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

designated ['deziɡ,neitid]


adj. 特指的;指定的

penalty ['penəlti]


n. 处罚,惩罚

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

guilty ['gilti]


adj. 有罪的,内疚的

severe [si'viə]


adj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的


关键字: 怎么 美语 训练班




