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第一单元 Hello, America and American!



Talk show 是美国很著名的电视节目,从中可以看到美国人的思路和表达方式。

关于主持人Larry King的介绍:

著名主持人。When Laryy King is listening, everyone is talking. 他的语言掌控能力极好,他一旦发问,别人就会觉得不能不说,不能不去回答他的问题,激起被访者的表达欲望。美国人或许不知道美国总统是谁,可能换届了什么的,但是Larry是无人不晓的,一棵常青树。

背景介绍:泰瑞·安德森(Terry Anderson)先生在美国是个名人,但他的成名之路是其他任何人都不想效仿的——被恐怖分子长时间地扣为人质,从而引起世界震惊。该绑架事件发生在 1985 年 3 月 6 日的贝鲁特。安德森先生和其他美国人质一起被恐怖分子囚禁长达2454 天。在此期间,其妹Peggy 为他和其他美国人质的获释奔走呼吁。与此形成鲜明对比的是,安德森的日裔妻子也是在其被绑架期间与其办理离婚手续的。以下的采访是在安德森先生获释 4 个月后进行的。

Terry Anderson became famous in a way nobody wants to be: as the U.S. hostage held longest by Islamic terrorists. The AP journalist was kidnapped on March 16, 1985, in Beirut. He would remain captive for 2,454 days. During this period, Anderson’s sister, Peggy say, worked tirelessly to keep the plight of her brother and other hostages before the American people.

At the time of his abduction, Anderson was in the process of divorcing his wife, having fallen in love with a young woman who was pregnant with his child. During his captivity, Anderson’s father and brother died, and his daughter, Sulome, was born. This interview took place four months after his release.


Larry king: After nearly seven years in ⑴ captivity in Beirut, former hostage Terry Anderson is home, released last December—walked straight into ⑵ a hero’s welcome. And now, after four months of rest with his family, Terry is able to ⑶ recount the details of his imprisonment. And we welcome to Larry King live—a program that didn’t exist when Terry was this program is six and a half years old—well, we’re going to be seven years old June first—and you were taken what date?

l 从故事拉回现场

l ⑴ captivity:the state or period of being imprisoned, confined, or enslaved 囚禁(期)被监禁、限制或奴役的 状态或时间。 E.g. : They were in captivity for a week.

l ⑵ hero’s welcome: 受到英雄般的欢迎。

l ⑶ recount: to narrate the facts or particulars of 重述。E.g.:He recounted all the happenings of the day.

Terry Anderson: March 16, 1985.

Lk:We started June 16, 1985. You just missed us, Terry. You could have been here for the—those are the breaks of the game.

l those are the breaks of the game.

生活、游戏的断裂,美国把什么都当成一个GAME,把规矩立好,然后开始一个竞争的游戏;小布什曾经说伊拉克总统的时候,说the game is over, 当时希拉克说道the war is not a game, 这是欧美的差别

Ta:What can I say? Yes.

Lk:What was the—for want of a better term—⑷ weirdest or most difficult thing about freedom after imprisonment?

l ⑷ weirdest:of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange:最莫名其妙的,最奇怪的。

l 当Terry不知道如何继续的时候,Larry立刻直接切入美国人都很关注的一个话题freedom,在一个这么重视自由的社会,你突然失去了,会有什么感受,直接点出话题;这种提问要比仅仅问他感受如何要好)

Ta:Well, weirdest—I mean, you can imagine what it’s like to try—to all of a sudden be put back in charge of your life. *I mean, I had virtually no decisions to make for a very long time, and all of a sudden I’ve got a million decisions to make—some of them minor, some of them important. I think the most difficulty I had at the beginning was with the minor decisions.

l *I mean, I had virtually no decisions to make for a very long time, and all of a sudden I’ve got a million decisions to make—some of them minor, some of them important.

在 Larry 问 Terry 他被释放以后, 对自由最不适应的是什么时,Terry 给了我们上面的回答。美国人对自由是第一位的要求;一个人如果被剥夺了自由,那将是最可怕的一件事。对自由我们可以具体地理解成自由地做决定、自由地思考等,某种程度上它体现了一个人掌握生活的能力。


l Like,表示请他列举,挖掘minor decision的内涵

Ta:I was very disorganized. You know, an ordinary person has a lot of skills that he’s developed over the years in just kind of managing his day—when to get up, shaving, where he put his tie, where his wallet is, what he’s got to do next, keeping appointments, that kind of thing. I just couldn’t keep anything organized. I was late. I think in Wiesbaden we were there—what? Five, six days? I was late for every single appointment I had. I couldn’t get myself organized worth a darn. Now, I write everything down. I’m getting better at it.

l 竖线型思维无法继续的时候,LK决定从另一个方面去挖掘话题。

Lk:Waking up the first morning of freedom: is there a ⑸ disbelief about it when you’re held that long?

l ⑸ disbelief: refusal or reluctance to believe. 难以置信 E.g.:He gives me a look of Disbelief.

Ta:Well, I don’t know. I wouldn’t call it disbelief.

Lk:I mean, it’s got to be—

Ta:It’s incredible. I mean, the emotional high was just—was just enormous. I spent those first few days just kind of bathing in love, I guess you could say. I had my lady and my daughter, and my family around me. And it wasn’t incredible; I was just enjoying it. I was just having a great time.

l disbelief 从内心不敢相信,更像做梦一样,被迫的,更negative

l Incredible adj. 口语,难以置信的;有一种兴奋感,真的难以置信,但是我确实相信

Lk:Have ⑹ psychologists talked to you?

l ⑹ psychologists 心理学家。

l 心里学家在美国是倍受重视的,这方面中国也在不断重视起来。


Lk:And have they discussed with you what might be the most difficult aspect of all of this?

Ta:Well, *we had two psychiatrists—royal air force men, actually, strangely enough—that is the AP borrowed from Britain. They treated the British hostages. They were also specialists in hostage⑺ POW/decompression things-very, very wonderful men. In fact, one of them happened to be in the states last night. We spent some time with him, just chatting. And excellent people. They knew what they were about and, because they were so nice and so easy to talk to, they did an awful lot for us. Mainly, what they talked about—what they urged on us were priorities.

l *we had two psychiatrists


l ⑺ POW/decompression 战俘/康复治疗。 POW是 abbr. 战俘 (prisoner of war)

l priority n. 优先权


Ta: Meaning, when you get out from a thing like that, the world is pretty confusing, and it goes pretty fast. And there are a lot of people ⑻ tugging at you and a lot of things you want to do, let alone the things people want you to do. And they said—the first thing they said was,” Get away. Get away. Go off by yourself. You know what’s important.” *I know what’s important—my family. That’s number one, far ahead of anything else. So we went away for three months and spent that time being together, getting to know each other again, and working out things. There were other problems. There are readjustments to be made by everybody. I mean, Madeleine, my fiancée, was unhappily independent for seven years, leading her own life, making her own decisions. She had to. And now, all of a sudden, I’m back, and we’ve got to make decisions together again.

l 这里priority不是优先权的意思,而是指你优先要考虑的事情

l ⑻ tug at:奋斗, 努力; 挣扎拉扯。 E.g.:We tug at the oar.

l *I know what’s important—my family.

这句话的重点不是我们所想的“家庭第一”,而是“我知道什么是重要的”。美国人的个人观念永远是第一位的,这和中国人的家庭、集体利益第一的思想有很大区别。从Terry 后面的对话内容我们可以看出,即使是一家子,在分开很久之后,也要重新进行沟通,逐一步建立个人与个人的关系,美国人对此很敏感,也会很直率地告诉别人自己的不适应等,这点与中国人有很大的区别。我们中国人也很敏感,只不过我们通常隐藏自己的感受。

l 重点:美国人的竖线型的思维方式。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
genius ['dʒi:njəs]


n. 天才,天赋

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

confidence ['kɔnfidəns]


adj. 骗得信任的
n. 信任,信心,把握

darn [dɑ:n]


v. 织补 n. 补钉 int. 该死(damn的委婉语

disbelief [.disbi'li:f]


n. 不相信,怀疑

remote [ri'məut]


adj. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的,(感情等)距离很大

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙

subordinate [sə'bɔ:dineit]


n. 属下,附属物
adj. 下级的,次要的,






