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中级美国英语 Lesson 48: 以tive和ity结尾的词汇

来源:本站原创 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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下面我们再作一组练习, 复习我们刚才教的词汇. 练习的内容还是谈到电视记 者的工作. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问题. 比方 "记者们设法塑造一个好形 象吗? " Do reporters try to create a good image? 请你作肯定的答覆: Yes, they try to create a good image. 在你回答之后, 老师会把正确答案念一遍给你听.

M: Do reporters act fast when something happens?

F: Yes, they act fast when something happens.

M: Are they active in gathering news?

F: Yes, they are active in gathering news.

M: Is their job to inform people?

F: Yes, their job is to inform people.

M: Are their reports generally informative?

F: Yes, their reports are generally informative.

M: Are viewers free to select good programs?

F: Yes, they are free to select good programs.

M: Are viewers selective?

F: Yes, they are selective.

M: Do reporters sense what viewers like to watch?

F: Yes, they sense what viewers like to watch.

M: Are they sensitive to viewers' tastes?

F: Yes, they are sensitive to viewers' tastes.

M: Do they try to create a good image?

F: Yes, they try to create a good image.

M: Do they do creative writing on news items?

F: Yes, they do creative writing on news items.

M: Do they compete with other reporters?

F: Yes, they compete with other reporters.

M: Are the news media competitive?

F: Yes, the news media are competitive.

M: Do reporters sometimes repeat what was reported?

F: Yes, they sometimes repeat what was reported.

M: Do they try not to be repetitive?

F: Yes, they try not to be repetitive.

下面我们学习几个以s-i-v-e 结尾的形容词.这些形容词也是由动词演变而来的, 比方 "延伸" extend 变成 "广泛的" extensive, "说服" persuade 变成 "有说服力 的" persuasive, "渗透" pervade 变成 "深远的" pervasive, "触怒" offend 变成 "冒犯人的" offensive 等等. 现在我请男老师念动词, 请女老师念形容词, 然后 男老师用形容词作一个句子,请你跟女老师一起把句子重复一遍. 现在开始.

M: extend

F: extensive

M: American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election.

F: American newspapers give extensive reports on the presidential election.

M: impress

F: impressive

M: The election coverage is impressive.

F: The election coverage is impressive.

M: offend

F: offensive

M: They avoid making offensive reports.

F: They avoid making offensive reports.

M: persuade

F: persuasive

M: Their analyses and comments are quite persuasive.

F: Their analyses and comments are quite persuasive.

M: pervade

F: pervasive

M: They have pervasive influence on the public opinions.

F: They have pervasive influence on the public opinions.

下面我们再以问答方式把刚才教的形容词复习一遍.首先请你注意听男老师问 问题, 然后请你一一的作肯定的答覆. 每作完一句老师就会把正确答案念给你 听. 现在开始.

关键字: 宫崎骏 写作




