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中级美国英语 Lesson 11: 形容词比较级与 the same as

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下面我们换一个方式作练习. 练习的内容都是说到珍妮和琳达常常作的活动, 比方: "烤蛋糕" baking a cake, "作饼干" making cookies, "骑自行车" riding a bicycle, "坐地铁" taking the subway, "在海滩上玩" playing on the beach, "作一 种像馅饼的美国牛肉饼" cooking hamburgers 等等. 练习的作法是由老师提出 一个问题, 比方: What is different from running? 接着老师给学生一个字或是一 个词组,比方: swimming, 然后学生就回答说: Swimming is different from running, 好, 现在我们开始作练习. 在学生回答问题的时候, 也请你一起回答.

M: What is different from running?

M: swimming

F: Swimming is different from running.

M: What is different from riding a bicycle?

M: driving a car

F: Driving a car is different from riding a bicycle.

M: What is different from baking a cake?

M: making cookies

F: Making cookies is different from baking a cake.

M: What is different from cooking hamburgers?

M: cooking Chinese food

F: Cooking Chinese food is different from cooking hamburgers.

M: What is different from playing on the beach?

M: Studying for an exam

F: Studying for an exam is different from playing on the beach.

M: What is different from taking the subway?

M: taking the bus

F: Taking the bus is different from taking the subway.


现在我们来作听力测验, 首先我们还是来听一段文章, 内容是说珍妮和琳达两 姐妹在暑假里做什么活动, 比方他们可以到海边去晒太阳, 在沙滩上玩一种扔 圆形塑料碟子的游戏,这种塑料碟子英文叫 frisbee, 要是饿了呢,他们就在沙滩 上生火, 烤牛肉饼, 或是吃三明治.这些活动都是美国年轻人最喜爱的活动.


Summer vacation is here. Jenny and Linda, like many American teenagers, plan to have a good time. Their plans for sunny days are different from their plans for rainy days. On sunny days, they ride their bicycles with their friends to the beach. Jenny gets up at the same time as Linda and they usually leave before breakfast. They take sandwiches and cans of Coca Cola or they make a fire and cook hamburgers on the beach. There are a lot of activities at the beach. They can swim, take a walk or throw frisbees. Linda is learning to play the guitar, so sometimes they sing by the fire. Sometimes they play volleyball or lie down on the beach to enjoy the sun. On rainy days, Jenny and Linda stay at home.

They often read or watch television. Sometimes, they make cookies or bake a cake.

They also talk about their boyfriends.

现在我们先来听今天要测验的三个问题,然后老师会把整段文章再念 一遍给你 听.


M: What do American teenagers often eat on the beach?


M: What are some of the activities at the beach?


M: What do Jenny and Linda do on rainy days?

好, 现在我们再听英文老师用慢速度把整段文章念一遍, 请你特别注意刚才那 三个问题的答案:

Summer vacation is here. Jenny and Linda, like many American teenagers, plan to have a good time. Their plans for sunny days are different from their plans for rainy days. On sunny days, they ride their bicycles with their friends to the beach. Jenny gets up at the same time as Linda and they usually leave before breakfast. They take sandwiches and cans of Coca Cola or they make a fire and cook hamburgers on the beach. There are a lot of activities at the beach. They can swim, take a walk or throw frisbees. Linda is learning to play the guitar, so sometimes they sing by the fire. Sometimes they play volleyball or lie down on the beach to enjoy the sun. On rainy days, Jenny and Linda stay at home.

They often read or watch television. Sometimes, they make cookies or bake a cake.

They also talk about their boyfriends.

现在请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 回答之后, 请你听老师念正确答案.


M: What do American teenagers often eat on the beach?

F: They eat sandwiches or hamburgers.


M: What are some of the activities at the beach?

F: Swimming, walking, throwing frisbees, playing guitar, playing volleyball, making hamburgers are some of the activities at the beach.


M: What do Jenny and Linda do on rainy days?

F: They read, watch television, make cookies or bake a cake. They also talk about their boyfriends.





