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中级美国英语 Lesson 8: 过去式动词

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下面我们要练习的两个动词 buy, b-u-y, buy 跟 bring, b-r-i-n-g, bring 在变成过去 式的时候有共同点: buy 变成 bought, b-o-u-g-h-t, bought; bring 变成 brought, b-r-o-u-g-h-t, brought. 现在我们来练习这两个不规则动词过去式. 还是由老师用 did 和现在式动词提出问句, 然后老师给你一个词组,请你用这个词组跟 bought 或是 brought 回答问题. 这些问题都是说到学生为了开舞会,到超级市场买了食 物和饮料, 他们带了朋友一起参加舞会之类跟舞会有关系的问题. 在你回答问 题之后还是请你听正确的答案.

M: Did the students buy a lot of things for the dance?

M: Yes

F: Yes, they bought a lot of things.

M: What did they buy?

M: food and drinks

F: They bought food and drinks.

M: Where did they buy them?

M: in the supermarket

F: They bought them in the supermarket.

M: Who did the students bring to the dance?

M: their friends

F: They brought their friends to the dance.

M: Where did the students bring their friends?

M: gymnasium

F: They brought their friends to the gymnasium.

下面我们要练习的三个不规则动词 begin, b-e-g-i-n, begin, drink, d-r-i-n-k, drink 跟 sing, s-i-n-g, sing 在变成过去式的时候 "i" 都变成 "a", 所以 begin 变成了 began; drink 变成了 drank; sing 了变成 sang. 现在我们还是跟刚才一样作练习.

老师提出的问题还是都是跟舞会有关系的, 比方舞会几点钟开始, 学生在舞会 里喝了柠檬水跟可口可乐, 玛丽在舞会里唱了什么歌等等. 还是请你根据老师 给你的词组来回答问题. 回答之后, 还是请你听正确答案.

M: When did the dance begin?

M: at 7 o'clock

F: The dance began at 7 o'clock

M: When did the students begin to dance?

M: at 7:30

F: They began to dance at 7:30.

M: What did the students drink at the dance?

M: lemonade and Coca Cola

F: They drank lemonade and Coca Cola.

M: Did some of them drink coffee?

M: Yes

F: Yes, some of them drank coffee.

M: Did Mary sing at the dance?

M: Yes

F: Yes, Mary sang at the dance.

M: What did Mary sing?

M: an American song

F: Mary sang an American song.

我们今天要练习的最后一个不规则动词过去式就是come, c-o-m-e, come 的过去 式 came, c-a-m-e, came. 现在我们按照刚才的方式来练习. 请你用老师提出的 词组跟 came 回答学生是几点钟来到会场, 他们是怎么去的等等有关舞会的问 题. 回答之后, 请你跟老师念的正确答案作个比较.

M: Did a lot of people come to the dance?

M: Yes

F: Yes, a lot of people came to the dance.

M: When did most of them come?

M: at 7 o'clock

F: Most of them came at 7 o'clock.

M: How did most of them come?

M: by car

F: Most of them came by car.


首先还是请你听一段文章, 内容是说在美国大学和高中里学生为了周未开舞会 成立委员会的事情, 还提到了彼德和玛丽学校里开舞会的种种情况.


In American colleges and high schools, students often have dances at their schools on weekends. Students usually plan the dances and do a lot of work for them. They do this in committees. There was a dance last Friday night at Peter and Mary's school. Mary was on the decorating committee and Peter was on the clean up committee. The dance was in the school gymnasium. Every student paid two dollars for the dance. They spent some of the money on decorations and they hired a band to play music. They also bought some food and drinks. The dance began at 7 o' clock. Nearly 500 people came. Most of them were students of Peter and Mary's school. Some students brought friends from other schools.

Everyone danced and had a good time.

刚才那段文章比较长, 但是我们今天的练习都是根据那段文章编的, 所以应该 不太难懂. 你要是没全懂, 等一会儿老师会再念一遍. 现在老师先把今天测验的 三个问题念给你听.


M: What do American students often do on weekends?


M: What committees were Peter and Mary on?


M: How did the students spend their money for the dance?

现在老师再把整段文章念一遍, 请你注意刚才三个问题的答案.

In American colleges and high schools, students often have dances at their schools on weekends. Students usually plan the dances and do a lot of work for them. They do this in committees. There was a dance last Friday night at Peter and Mary's school. Mary was on the decorating committee and Peter was on the clean up committee. The dance was in the school gymnasium. Every student paid two dollars for the dance. They spent some of the money on decorations and they hired a band to play music. They also bought some food and drinks. The dance began at 7 o' clock. Nearly 500 people came. Most of them were students of Peter and Mary's school. Some students brought friends from other schools.

Everyone danced and had a good time.

现在请你回答问题. 回答之后, 请你听正确答案.


M: What do American students often do on weekends?

F: They often have dances at their schools on weekends.


M: What committees were Peter and Mary on?

F: They were on the decorating and clean up committees.


M: How did the students spend their money for the dance?

F: They spent some of the money for decorations. They hired a band and they bought some food and drinks.





