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中级美国英语 Lesson 5: 助动词 should 和 must

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好了, 现在该作练习了. 首先我们来学怎么用 should. 这个字是用来劝告 别人应该做些什么事. 比方有一句话: "天冷了, 你应该穿毛衣," 这句话, 你 可以这样说: It's cold. You should wear a sweater.

好, 现在我们给你多举一些例子. 每个句子我们念两遍, 请你听一遍, 跟着 重复一遍.

M: It's cold. You should wear a sweater.

F: It's cold.You should wear a sweater.

M: Peter is late. He should ask his father for a ride.

F: Peter is late. He should ask his father for a ride.

M: Henry is heavy. He should get in shape again.

F: Henry is heavy. He should get in shape again.

M: Kate is hungry. She should eat something.

F: Kate is hungry. She should eat something.

M: Your room is messy. You should clean it up.

F: Your room is messy. You should clean it up.

好, 现在我们换一个方式作练习, 先由老师说一句话, 比方: "下雨了!" It's raining. 接着老师给你一个词组: "带雨伞" carry an umbrella 请你用 should 这个字来完成句子, 所以答案就是: "下雨了, 你应该带雨伞". It's raining. You should carry an umbrella. 好, 现在我们开始练习. 在你作完 句子之后,请注意听正确的答案.

M: Peter is a good player.

M: join the team

F: peter is a good player. He should join the team.

M: Henry is tired.

M: take a rest

F: Henry is tired. He should take a rest.

M: Kate is thirsty.

M: have a glass of water.

F: Kate is thirsty. She should have a glass of water.

M: Your shirt is dirty.

M: change into a clean one

F: Your shirt is dirty. You should change into a clean one.

M: It's raining.

M: carry an umbrella

F: It's raining. You should carry an umbrella.

刚才那组练习你都作对了吗? 下面我们来练习 should 的否定式 should not. 这两个字可以简缩为 shouldn't, 意思就是劝人不要做什么事. 我们 作的是换字练习. 老师先念一句话, 接着老师给你一个新的词组, 请你 把新的词组代换到原来的句子里. 每作完一句, 就请你听正确答案.

M: You shouldn't spend so much money.

M: drink so much coffee

F: You shouldn't drink so much coffee.

M: buy so many records

F: You shouldn't buy so many records.

M: go to so many movies

F: You shouldn't go to so many movies.

M: drive so fast

F: You shouldn't drive so fast.

关键字: 语法




