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来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Consider for a moment, the path of one of America's most famous innovators, Bill Gates.When Bill Gates quit college to begin his path towards starting Microsoft, he had no guarantee of success. On numerous occasions, he faced failures and disappointments. But he kept moving forward, because he hoped that someday, all the money he invested and all the hours he labored just might result in the creation of something special that he could call his own. And because Bill Gates received IP protection for his ideas, millions of people around the world have benefited. Somewhere in the world, perhaps somewhere in this room, is the Bill Gates of clean energy, or the Bill Gates of medical research -- and we need to make sure whoever that person is has similar protection.


Despite the impressive progress that China has made protecting intellectual property, much more still needs to be done. American and other foreign companies in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and biotechnology to entertainment still lose billions of dollars from counterfeiting and IP theft in China every year.


Stronger intellectual property laws have been written – but they are only as valuable as the civil and criminal penalties people face for breaking them – and China’s enforcement of IP laws is often uneven.


I do hope that places like Jinan will continue to be a positive influence to convince more of China's people of the critical importance of protecting ideas and intellectual property. And I hope all of you today, will be ambassadors for that message among your family, friends and colleagues.


I applaud Jinan University for making intellectual property rights and protection a strategic part of the curriculum, and wish each of you much success in your academic careers and future endeavors.


As leaders, innovators and consumers, you will write the next chapter in China’s rich history. You have an enormous amount of responsibility riding on your shoulders because your success isn't just important to you and your family -- it's important to me and everyone else who cares about solving the world’s problems.


I hope you make the most of your time at Jinan.


Thank you for having me here today.






