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来源:互联网 编辑:sunny   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Topic8. Describe a party

PART3:Do Chinese people enjoy holding parties? Do Chinese people do anything special in parties? When do Chinese people usually hold parties?Are you’re a successful party organizer? Why is it hard to hold parties? Is Chinese party is different from foreign party?What will u do in a party; dose party change a lot in china; is it different between city party and rural party;哪些是世界性的传统节日?你希望增加一些国际性节日嘛?

Topic9. Describe an Chinese/Foreign artist

PART3:What do you think is the most popular art forms in China, such as… Why do you think music form is popular comparing with painting? Is it useful for children to study art? How do they study? Does every student in school have to lean art and literature? What changes do you have when you studied art and literature in university?

Topic10. a thing you made


Topic11. describe a special meal

PART3:中国人买菜的习惯如何?Do you think children should learn to cook; Should school have some courses about cook; 为什么supermarket 在中国受欢迎;你觉得去STORE方面还是去supermarket方便;随着超市越来越多,is this a problem to some small shops;你觉得中国人会改变消费观吗;你家谁做饭?政府可以做些什么让人们吃健康的食物?Where do Chinese people get traditional food;;

Topic12. 一种wild animal

PART3:Do you like zoos? Why do each city have a zoo? What are the benefits of having a zoo in the city? What characteristics should a good zoo have? Why don’t some people like zoos? What will zoos be like in the future? Is it right for people to put animals in the zoos, isn’t this bad for them? How should the government maintain the operation of the zoos?

Topic13. 保持健康的方式

PART3:人们通过什么途径学习到有关健康的知识?学校怎么教育学生保持健康?有没有教育学生健康饮食?政府如何提高国民的身体健康?现在有很多小孩子得了肥胖症,什么原因造成的?怎么样生活的健康呢?吃什么东西比较健康?lifestyle过去和现在有没有change?人们的diet有没有change?pace of life是不是变快了?stress是不是更大了?现在的lifestyle和diet应该怎么改变比较好?

Topic14. 讲一个传统故事

PART3:传统故事要怎么发展?有什么方式让传统故事更好的发展下去?传统故事被渐渐遗忘吗?传统故事还流行吗?用什么方式流传比较好?为什么有人喜欢写书?怎样教小孩子学传统故事?小孩子都喜欢什么样的故事;有的人愿意把自己写进故事里,为什么?人们为什么不喜欢写作了? 外国故事如何影响孩子?






