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Text 1

M: Do you have to leave already? It’s only nine o’clock.
W: I’m sorry, but I must. My parents are expecting me.

Text 2
M: I thought the party was a great success.
W: Really? But there was not enough food, and the room was too hot.

Text 3
M: I can come to your house and pick you up in half an hour. Is that all right?
W: Good. That means you’ll be here at eight-thirty.

Text 4
W: Oh, my god! Jack? It’s you.
M: Ruth, my girl! How is it you? I can’t believe my eyes.
W: Oh, the God is able to work miracles. Everything is possible. Am I dreaming?
M: Darling, I’m looking for you these years with no news.

Text 5
W: Bob. Shall we dine out somewhere?
M: I’d love to, but I’m broke.
W: Never mind. I’ll treat you to dinner.
M: Thank you.

Text 6
M: Hello, Vicky, how are you?
W: Fine, thanks, how are you?
M: Pretty well, thank you. Are you a student?
W: Yes. I’m studying at Dalian University of Foreign Languages.
M: Oh, good. What experience have you got?
W: I once worked as a waitress in a bar.
M: Have you ever worked as a secretary?
W: No, but I think I can learn quickly.
M: Well, your English is good. I have noticed that. But my secretary must have knowledge in foreign trade. So I have to say I can’t offer you the job.
W: That’s all right. I can try other places. Goodbye.
M: Bye.

Text 7
W: Can I help you, sir?
M: I’d like to check out.
W: Your name and room number, please?
M: Mike, Room 730.
W: Just a minute, please. 260 yuan. Please check if the amount is correct.
M: Let me see. That’s correct.
W: Would you like to pay by cash or credit card?
M: By credit card. Here you are.
W: One moment, please. Please sign here. Here is your original credit card bill and receipt.
M: Thanks a lot.
W: With pleasure. I hope to see you soon again.

Text 8
M: Honey, I’m planning to visit Steve and his wife this weekend. They just finished his research and came back from China last week. Would you like to come with me?
W: Oh, really? We haven’t seen them for nearly one year. Let me check my schedule first. That’s OK with me. I’ll accompany you.
M: Fantastic!
W: Are there any other guests there? Is it casual or formal? What should I wear?
M: Just some close friends. It’s just a casual get-together. Formal dress is not necessary.
W: Do you think we should bring some gifts to them?
M: This is just what I’m thinking. Steve loves whisky very much, so I want to buy a bottle of Scottish whisky for him. What do you think?
W: That’s a good idea. And that’s for Steve’s wife, Amanda. I remember she loves roses. Therefore, I can bring a bunch of roses for her. But how about the kids?
M: I don’t want to take them to Steve’s home. They’re too naughty. And Steve doesn’t like to make too much noise.
W: Don’t worry, I’ll ask a favor of our neighbor to look after our kids for us. One more thing, darling, do we stay for dinner?
M: No, I’m afraid we don’t have enough time. I have a lot of work to do.

Text 9

W: Sir, you’ve been using the Online Catalogue for quite a while. Is there anything I can help you find?
M: I’ve got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and I’m really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just don’t know where to begin.
W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why don’t you narrow it down to something like … Uh … the history of the studios during that time?
M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more than 30 books came up when I typed in “movie studios”.
W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want. Try adding “1930s” or “1940s” or maybe “Golden Age”.
M: “Golden Age” is a good idea. Let me type that in…Hey, look, just 6 books came up that time. That’s a lot better.
W: Oh… another thing you might consider… have you tried looking for any magazine or newspaper articles?
M: No, I’ve only been searching for books.
W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the “Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature”. And we do subscribe to “The Los Angeles Times”. You might go through their index to see if there’s anything you want.
M: Okay. I think I’ll get started with these books and then I’ll go over the magazines.
W: If you need any help, I’ll be over at the Reference Desk.
M: Great, thank you.

Text 10
Nelson decided to take his kids to the park last Saturday. After they got there, everything was fine until they were driving through the area where the elephants were, and they stopped for a moment to take some photos. His little boy opened the window to give an elephant a sandwich. This huge elephant came to them and suddenly put his nose through the window.
And when Nelson tried to close the window, it got worse because the elephant’s nose got trapped. The elephant was so frightened that it started hitting the car. Luckily one guard saw what was going on and rescued them. They were pretty shocked, and two of the windows of their car were broken.
The guards gave the kids some juice and their mum and dad a glass of beer to calm them down. Then they set off home, but when they were about halfway back, they saw an accident had happened on the freeway. There were two police cars, and of course Nelson stopped, as he’s a doctor, to see if he could help.
But when the policemen saw Nelson’s car, they were a bit surprised and asked him what happened to it, so he told them all about the elephant. They were just confused about the elephant and thought he must have been drunk. So they asked him to take a breath test. And of course because of that huge glass of beer at the park, now he’s going to face a punishment.




