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新版大学英语综合教程第二册 Unit6

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n. the remaining time, people or things 剩下的时间(人或物)

at intervals

ad. on or to one side 在一边;向一边

set aside
put (time or money) away for a special purpose 留出

n. 超级市场

a., n. (supposed inhabitant) of the planet Mars 火星的;(假想的)火星人

race the clock
do sth. quickly in order to finish it in the available time 争分夺秒地工作

vt. (fml) have or own 拥有

a. of organizing and arranging things 有关组织方面的

n. 仙人,小精灵

fairy tale

vt. (old use, now used chiefly in the following phrase) wait for 等待

bide one's time
wait patiently for a chance 等待良机

n. 王子;亲王

v. attract; give pleasure to 吸引;迷人
n. pleasing quality; attractiveness 魅力;吸引力

take in
cheat 欺骗

prep. in spite of 尽管;不顾

ad. (infml) extremely, absolutely 极其,非常

a. certain, sure; helpful or constructive 确信的;有益的,建设性的

have sth./little/much to do with 与…有关(几乎无关,很有关系)

achieve/have one's heart's desire 得到心中渴望的东西

a piece of cake
sth. that is very easy to do 不费吹灰之力的事

n. a woman whom people admire for her courage or achievements 女英雄

a. 世故的;老练的;复杂的;尖端的

vi. become weak; hesitate 变弱;犹豫

move on to
stop doing one thing and begin dealing with the next 更换(工作,话题等)

n. putting money in sth. 投资

Proper Names


Adrienne Popper


John Milton
约翰·弥尔顿(1608 — 1674,英国著名诗人,主要作品有长诗《失乐园》、《复乐园》以及诗剧《力士参孙》等)

Language sense Enhancement

1. Read aloud paragraphs 11-13 and learn them by heart.
2. Read aloud the following poem:

I Look At Myself In The Mirror Jacki

I look at myself in the mirror,
and what do I really see?
A woman of forty-seven,
or the true essence of me?

I can see me in my twenties,
the mother of children galore,
and there is me in my thirties,
scarred by the loss that I bore.

And there is me in my forties,
older now, tolerant and wise
marked by love and affection,
and bags under my eyes.

So yes that's me in the mirror,
me, as the person I am,
and if I'm no more than an image,
none of it matters a dam!

3. Read the following quotations. Learn them by heart if you can. You might need to look up new words in a dictionary.

One is not born a woman, one becomes one.
—— Simon de Beauvoir

There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex. As well speak of a female liver.
—— Charlotte Perkins Gilman

What is a woman I assure you, I do not know.... I do not believe that anybody can know until she has expressed herself in all the arts and professions open to human skill.
—— Virqinia Woolf

Men always want to be a woman's first love. Women have a more subtle instinct: what they like is to be a man's last romance.
—— Oscar Wilde

4. Read the following humorous story for fun. You might need to look up new words in a dictionary.

My wife and her Friend Karen mere talking about their labor-saving devices as they pulled into our driveway. Karen said, "I love my new garage-door opener." "I love mine too," my wife replied, and honked the horn three times. That was the signal for me to come out and open the garage.



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