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来源:可可英语 编辑:kekenet   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

() 21. Boys and girls, calm down and focus on the test paper you begin to think about the answers. Be conf ident. You can do it!
A. as if B. as soon as C. although
() 22. was born being good at all things. You can do well in things through hard work. As an English learner, you can’t be excellent without enough practice.
A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Nobody
() 23. The city of Harbin is beautiful all the year around, in winter. Ice lanterns decorate streets and attract plenty of tourists.
A. especially B. generally C. probably
() 24. No matter how difficult things seem to be, you should say to , “Never mind!” A positive attitude is the key to success.
A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourselves
() 25. Vocabulary is important to language learning. Therefore, you’d better try different ways you can think of words and expressions.
A. remember B. to remember C. remembering
() 26. On June 11th, 2013, Shenzhou-10 carrying three astronauts into space from the space center in Jiuquan. All the Chinese people are proud of its successful launch.
A. sent up B. are sent up C. was sent up
() 27. Time waits for no man. But teenagers won’t realize the value of time until it’s gone. Don’t waste your time, you will regret it.
A. and B . or C. but
() 28. Mo Yan, a famous Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize for literature at the end of the year 2012. We learn that success the person with a never-give-up attitude.
A. drives out B. takes over C. belongs to
() 29. – How wonderfully you are playing the piano! do you practice it a week?
- Twice. Practice makes perfect.
A. How often B. How many times C. How soon


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n. 驱动器;驱动力;驱动程序(drive的复数形式)

decorate ['dekəreit]


vt. 装饰,装修,授予某人奖章或其他奖状





