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Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

41. The small company coped very well the sudden increase of demand.

A. in B. withC. out D. against

42. By the end of next month we this assignment.

A. will finish B. will be finishing

C. will have finished D. have finished

43. We will be losing money this year unless that new economic plan of yours miracle.

A. is working B. works

C. will be working D. worked

44. All the nations in the world are supposed to the principles set by the United Nations.

A. inspect B. incorporate

C. uphold D. integrate

45. I havent yet decided whether to take the trip to Hawaii or not, but my wife is me for a decision.

A. forcing B. rushingC. pressing D. hurrying

46. Even in hot weather the old man refuses to turn on the air?conditioner for the of saving on utilities.

A. sake B. reasonC. ground D. cause

47. different aspects of social life, sociologists must determine the laws governing human behavior in social contexts.

A. Explain B. Explaining

C. To explain D. The explanations of

48. She married her bosss son because she wanted a husband from a wealthy family. But she had to her husbands bad temper.

A. live in B. live on

C. live with D. live up to

49. I overheard them they were dissatisfied with their living conditions.

A. complained B. to complain

C. complaining D. to be complaining

50. He has been working on his term paper for quite a .

A. while B. time C. term D. period

51. The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if something pleasant in the past.

A. to remember B. remembered

C. having been remembered D. remembering

52. The train, takes only two hours to get there, is much faster than the bus.

A. what B. thatC. which D. which one

53. This bar is only open to adults, , people over 18 years of age.

A. worse still B. that is

C. on the other hand D. in short

54. Every boy is to encounter some setbacks on his way to be a man.

A. bound B. indispensable

C. obvious D. doubtless

55. You cant be careful in choosing your lifelong partner in marriage as it is one of the most important decisions in your life.

A. very B. quite C. so D. too

56. These factories were closed for failing to with the air?pollution laws issued by the Government.

A. abide B. obeyC. comply D. consent

57. My sisters house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses .

A. from each other B. in between

C. far apart D. among them

58. When I told the manager I didnt have the goods I had ordered delivered on time, he promised to my complaint.

A. look into B. look through

C. look after D. look over

59. the traffic jam, we would have arrived in time for the meeting.

A. In case of B. But for

C. Because of D. In spite of

60. reply of business letters is always greatly appreciated.

A. Profound B. Acute C. Alert D. Prompt

61. I him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.

A. ought to have sent B. couldnt have sent

C. must have sent D. neednt have sent

62. A careful review of all the political movements in the 20th century will give us a into the way political system works.

A. insight B. inquiry C. feedback D. input

63. The assistance of the Los Angeles Police Department in the making of this movie was by the producer.

A. attributed B. accepted C. acknowledged D. admitted

64. When his visa to the United States came through, his moods between happiness and gloom.

A. altered B. alternated C. differed D. changed

65. If you do well in the English Proficiency Test you will be the job of teaching assistant.

A. located B. placed C. delivered D. assigned

66. It turned out that the children were not for the accident.

A. to blame B. to be blamed

C. to be blaming D. to have been blamed
67. The following story a man who had been wrongly imprisoned during the Civil War and who remained in prison for twenty years.

A. states B. reiterates C. concerns D. proclaims

68. The people for the survey were chosen completely ; that is, they were chosen aimlessly.

A. on average B. by accidence

C. on occasion D. at random

69. The desegregation was achieved through a number of struggles, have been mentioned in previous chapters.

A. a few of which B. a few of them

C. a few of those D. a few of that

70. for your help, wed never have been able to finish this project on time.

A. Had it not B. Had it not been

C. If we had not been D. If it were not

重点单词   查看全部解释    
alert [ə'lə:t]


adj. 警觉的,灵敏的
n. 警戒,警报

boost [bu:st]


vt. 推进,提高,增加
n. 推进,增加

consent [kən'sent]


n. 同意,许可
v. 同意,承诺

urban ['ə:bən]


adj. 城市的,都市的

bizarre [bi'zɑ:]


adj. 奇异的,怪诞的
n. 奇异花

insight ['insait]


n. 洞察力

proficiency [prə'fiʃənsi]


n. 熟练,精通

quarry ['kwɔri]


n. 采石场,猎获物,出处,被追逐的目标 v. 挖出,苦

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随

migration [mai'greiʃən]


n. 移民,移往,移动





