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英语四级听力长对话模考(答案+MP3+原文) :第6期

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Conversation Two

W:It’s a lovely day today! What would you like to do?

M:I really feel like doing something outdoors. Perhaps we couldgo hill walking?

W:Mm, I’m not really in the mood for hill walking. Why don’t wejust go swimming?

M:That suits me. But it will take an hour or two. Do you like todo something else first? Maybe we could go cycling?

W:I don’t think I enjoy that very much. Actually I’m not a goodcyclist. Maybe we could have a meal at the new restaurant, then go to swim.Great! So, when should we meet?

M:We’d better get to the restaurant a bit early because it mightbe very busy. I think we need to get there by 11:00.

M:Er, can I make it a bit later, say, 11:20? I have to visit mygrandma this morning and I don’t think I can make it by then.

W: No problem. I’ll go straight to the restaurant at11:00 andget you a table.

M: Great!

23. What will the two speakers do first?

24. What can be the inferred about the restaurant mentioned?

25.Why can’t the man meet the woman at 11:00?




