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来源:可可英语 编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

57. What is said about FutureFashion?
A) It inspired many leading designers to start going green.
B) It showed that designers using organic fabrics would go far.
C) It served as an example of how fashion shows should be organized.
D) It convinced the public that fashionable clothes should be made durable.
58. According to Scott Hahn, one big challenge to designers who will go organic is that .
A) much more time is needed to finish a dress using sustainable materials .
B) they have to create new brands for clothes made of organic materials .
C) customers have difficulty telling organic from non-organic materials .
D) quality organic replacements for synthetics are not readily available .
59. We learn from Paragraph 3 that designers who undertake green fashion .
A) can attend various trade shows free .
B) are readily recognized by the fashion world
C) can buy organic cotton at favorable prices .
D) are gaining more and more support .
60. What is Natalie Hormilla’s attitude toward ecofashion?
A) She doesn’t seem to care about it. C) She is doubtful of its practical value.
B) She doesn’t think it is sustainable D) She is very much opposed to the idea
61. What does the author think of green fashion?
A) Green products will soon go mainstream.
B) It has a very promising future.
C) Consumers have the final say.
D) It will appeal more to young people.





