1.headed for 前往;出发;取向于
1.Protestant group新教组织
She became active in her church, a small Protestant group in Moscow, and says that gave her strength as she continued searching for a career.
她活跃于莫斯科一家小型新教组织,认为正是这里给予她继续寻找职业的力量 。
2.civil rights 民事权利
The civil rights bill carried by a large majority.
公民权利法案获得大多数同意而通过 。
3.Catholic Church 天主教会
In France, Italy and Spain the Catholic church insisted on the use of female midwives, to protect female modesty.
在法国、意大利和西班牙,天主教会坚决主张使用女性助产士,以保护女性的羞耻 。
4.presidential candidates 总统候选人
Miller continued: “Senators and presidential candidates would have us believe that the troops in the Middle East are dying for no reason.
米勒还说:"参议员和总统候选人试图让我们相信,驻扎在中东的军人是在平白无故地送命 。"
5.recession 衰退;不景气
During the last recession in the early 2000’s, I was one of those statistics.
2000年初,在上一次经济衰退时,我是那些统计数字中的一员 。