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Eastwood,我们都管他叫East Wood(伊斯特伍德),但是tw应该一起发音,是不是?

End result, 这两个词应该分着读(en' result)还是连读成一个词(En_dre_sult)?





Well, let's start with FaronYoung -- who was born incidentally in 1932. In 1996, he shot himself in thehead on December ninth -- which incidentally is Judi Dench's birthday. But hedidn't die on Dench's birthday. He languished until the following afternoonwhen he finally succumbed to a supposedly self-inflicted gunshot wound at theage of 64 --which incidentally is how old Alberto Giacometti was when he died.Where was Wislawa Szymborska during all this? She has the world's mostabsolutely watertight alibi. On that very day, December 10, 1996 while Mr. Fourin the Morning, Faron Young, was giving up the ghost in Nashville, Tennessee,Ms. Four in the Morning -- or one of them anyway -- Wislawa Szymborska was inStockholm, Sweden, accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature. 100years to the day after the death of Alfred Nobel himself.Coincidence? No, it's creepy.

Coincidence to me has a muchsimpler metric. That's like me telling you, "Hey, you know the Nobel Prizewas established in 1901, which coincidentally is the same year AlbertoGiacometti was born?"No, not everything fits so tidily into the paradigm, butthat does not mean there's not something going on at the highestpossible levels. In fact there are people in this room who may not want me toshow you this clip we're about to see.

Video: We have a tennis court,a swimming pool, a screening room --

You mean if I want pork chops,even in the middle of the night, your guy will fry them up?

Sure, that's what he's paidfor. Now do you need towels, laundry, maids?

HS: Wait, wait, wait, wait,wait, wait -- let me see if I got this straight. It is Christmas Day, 4 a.m.There's a rumble in my stomach.

Homer, please.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,wait, wait. Let me see if I got this straight, Matt.

When Homer Simpson needs toimagine the most remote possible moment of not just the clock,but the whole freaking calendar, he comes up with 0400 on the birthday of theBaby Jesus. And no, I don't know how it works into the wholepuzzling scheme of things, but obviously I know a coded messagewhen I see one.

I said, I know a coded messagewhen I see one. And folks, you can buy a copy of Bill Clinton's "MyLife" from the bookstore here at TED. Parse it coverto cover for whatever hidden references you want. Or you can go to theRandom House website where there is this excerpt. And how far down into it youfigure we'll have to scroll to get to the golden ticket? Would you believeabout a dozen paragraphs? This is page 474 on your paperbacks if you'refollowing along:

"Though it was gettingbetter, I still wasn't satisfied with the inaugural address. My speechwritersmust have been tearing their hair out because as we workedbetween one and four in the morning on Inauguration Day, I was still changingit."Sure you were, because you've prepared your entire life for thishistoric quadrennial event that just sort of sneaks up on you. And then --three paragraphs later we get this little beauty: "We went back to BlairHouse to look at the speech for the last time. It had gotten a lot better since4 a.m." Well, how could it have? By his own writing, this man was eitherasleep,

at a prayer meeting with Aland Tipper or learning how to launch a nuclear missile out of a suitcase. Whathappens to American presidents at 0400 on inauguration day? What happened toWilliam Jefferson Clinton? We might not ever know. And I noticed, he's notexactly around here today to face any tough questions. It could get awkward,right? I mean after all, this whole business happened on his watch.But if he were here -- he might remind us, as he does in the wrap-up to hisfine autobiography, that on this day Bill Clinton began a journey --a journeythat saw him go on to become the first Democrat president elected to twoconsecutive terms in decades. In generations. The first since this man, FranklinDelano Roosevelt, who began his own unprecedented journey way back at his ownfirst election, way back in a simpler time, way back in 1932 -- theyear Alberto Giacometti made "The Palace at Four in the Morning."

The year, let's remember, thatthis voice, now departed, first came a-cryin' into this big old crazy world ofours.


1. giving up the ghost

2. 100 years to the day

3. paradigm

4. remote

5. scheme of things

6. Parse

7. cover to cover

8. tearing their hair


1. But that does notmean there's not something going on.

2. I don't know how it worksinto the whole puzzling scheme of things.

3. I mean after all, thiswhole business happened on his watch.


1. Four in the morning suregets an awful lot of bad press.

2. Could it be there issomething more going on here?

3. Feel free to follow alongon your phones.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
inauguration [in.ɔ:gju'reiʃən]


n. 就职典礼,落成典礼,开幕仪式

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的

scroll [skrəul]


n. 卷轴,目录 v. 卷动

unprecedented [ʌn'presidəntid]


adj. 空前的,前所未有的

established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

remote [ri'məut]


adj. 偏僻的,遥远的,远程的,(感情等)距离很大

suitcase ['su:tkeis]


n. 手提箱

missile ['misail]


n. 导弹,投射物

laundry ['lɔ:ndri]


n. 洗衣店,要洗的衣服,洗衣





