Now I've got another diagram to show you about chirognomy, and that concerns the little bumps we all have on the palm of our hand, which are said to reveal a whole lot about ourselves.
Look first, if you will, at the mount of Venus, which is situated at the base of the thumb. This, you may remember, is the area of the hand relating to energy and creativity. Notice, too, the signs used to indicate these bumps. Venus, for example, as in astrology, is shown by the female sign of a circle and a cross underneath it.
In the hand where this mount is very flat and under-developed, it implies a person with a detached and self-contained nature.
Where it is large, it implies a person with lots of vitality, and where normal-sized, it implies a person who is healthy, warm-hearted and sincere with plenty of compassion.
Moving across to the other side of the hand opposite the mont of Venus but, like it, just above the wrist is the mount of the Moon.
n. 创造力,创造