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This week, Katy Perry becomes the second artist in the history of Billboard’s Pop Songs chart to take five tracks from a single album to Number One. She achieved the feat with Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.), the latest hit from her Teenage Dream album and in it her special image shocked a lot!

这周,凯蒂•佩里的《Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)》摘得冠军单曲,也使她一举成为史上第二个在一张专辑内连续诞生5首冠军单曲的女歌手!在这首单曲中,凯蒂的形象也算得上是相当振奋!

Katy invited Rebecca Black with the Friday Night and Kevin McHale from Glee to make the MV. Katy, with braids and braces, played as a student born after 1990s. Her exaggerated actions really made us laugh to tears. She is always preparing surprises for us.


Her songs Ur So Gay and I Kissed a Girl won her fame overnight and also received negative reactions from both religious and gay sectors. The songs have been respectively labeled as being homophobic and promoting homosexuality. But Perry responded like "It's not a negative connotation. It's not, 'you're so gay,' like, 'you're so lame,' It wasn't stereotyping anyone in particular, I was talking about ex-boyfriends."

她的歌曲《Ur So Gay》《I Kissed a Girl》为她积累了人气,也遭到了宗教人士和同志中的不少批评。有人说她是在鼓吹同性恋,有人说她是在散布同性恋恐惧论,她自己却说她没有恶意,也不是特指某一群体,只是在说前男朋友的一些坏话

Katy is also kown for her unconventional style of dress. It is often humorous, bright in color, and reminiscent of different decades, and she frequently uses fruit-shaped accessories, mainly watermelon, as part of her outfits. She defines her fashion style as "a bit of a concoction of different things".


With so many unconventional things, you can hardly connect her with the serious religion, The fact is that she was raised in a religious household as the daughter of two pastors. She was even forbidden to listen to secular bands as a child then Katy released a self-titled Christian album in 2001 under her original name. She later abandoned the genre in favor of a pop career.


Since she could play guitar, she would start writing songs at home and present it to her producers. She was prized lavishly by Madonna as a rather potential singer. Now, she has officially become one of the industry's biggest pop stars, celebrated as much for her outsized behavior and outrageous fashion choices as the music itself.


braid n.鞭子
brace n.牙套
homophobic adj.害怕同性恋的
stereotype v.使……成为成规
reminiscent adj.使人联想……的
concoction n.混合
pastor n,牧师
genre n,种类,风格



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