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双语有声:魔猫kitty magic(图)

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Kitty Magic

After a meeting one night,I felt very tired.Eager to get home and get to sleep,I was approaching my car when I heard mew,mew,mew,mew...Looking under my car,I saw a teeny little kitten,shaking and crying,huddled close to the tire.

I have never had a fondness for cats.I‘m a dog person,thank you very much.I grew up with dogs all my young life and cats always bugged me.Kind of creeped me out.I especially hated going into houses that had cat boxes.I wondered if the residents just ignored the awful smell.Plus,cats always seemed to be all over everything――not to mention their hair.And I was semiallergic to them.Suffice it to say,I had never in my life gone out of my way for a cat.

But when I knelt down and saw this scared little red tabby mewing like crazy,something inside urged me to reach out to pick her up.She ran away immediately.I thought,Okay,well,I tried,but as I went to get into my car,I heard the kitten mewing again.That pitiful mewing really pulled at my heart,and I found myself crossing the street to try to find her.I found her and she ran.I found her again and she ran again.This went on and on.Yet I just couldn’t leave her.Finally,I was able to grab her.When I held her in my arms,she seemed so little and skinny and very sweet.And she stopped mewing!

It was totally out of character,but I took her into my car with me.The kitty freaked out,screeching and running at lightning speed all over the car,until she settled herself right in my lap,of course.I didn’t know what I was going to do with her,and yet I felt compelled to bring her home.I drove home,worrying the whole way,because I knew my roommate was deathly allergic to cats.

I got home very late,put the kitten in the front yard and left some milk for her.I was half hoping she would run away by the time morning came.But in the morning she was still there,so I brought her to work with me.

Luckily,I have a very sympathetic boss.Especially when it comes to animals.Once we had a hurt sparrow in the office for weeks that he had found and nursed back to health.All day at work,I tried to find someone who would take the kitten,but all the cat lovers were full up.

I still didn’t know what to do with the kitty,so I took her on some errands with me when I left work.Again she freaked out in the car and this time wedged herself under the seat.My last stop that afternoon was at my parents’ house.

Recently my father had been diagnose d with prostate cancer.He had undergone hormone treatment and the doctors now felt they had arrested the cancer.At least for the present.I liked to go there as often as I could.

That afternoon,parked in front of my parents’ house,I was trying to coax the kitten out from under the seat when she zoomed out of the car and into the neighbors’ bushes.There are a lot of bushes in that neighborhood,and I realized after looking for a while that it was a lost cause.I felt a bit sad but consoled my self that this area had many families with kids.Surely someone would find her and give her a good home,I told myself.

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relieved [ri'li:vd]


adj. 放心的,放松的,免除的

sympathetic [.simpə'θetik]


adj. 同情的,共鸣的
n. 交感神经

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

awe [ɔ:]


n. 敬畏,恐惧
vt. 使敬畏或惊惧

lightning ['laitniŋ]


n. 闪电
adj. 闪电般的,快速的

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

affection [ə'fekʃən]


n. 慈爱,喜爱,感情,影响

hormone ['hɔ:məun]


n. 荷尔蒙,激素

asthma ['æsmə]


n. 哮喘






