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影视听力 第42期:The Lovely Bones可爱的骨头

时间:2009-10-26 10:43:18 来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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本片根据爱丽丝·希伯德(Alice Sebold)的畅销小说改编而成。故事发生在1973年,14岁的小女孩苏茜不幸被一位邻居强奸杀害。影片是以这位升入天堂的小女孩苏茜的视角,去关注她的家人、朋友甚至杀她的凶手的动向……



Hi, this is Peter Jackson. I hope you'll enjoy this exclusive trailer from my upcoming movie, the Lovely Bones, starring Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, and Susan Sarandon, here on apple.com.

He is cute. Does he like you as much as you like him?
Grandma, would you please just drop it?
Hey, mom, look at me. Smile.
My name is Salmon, like the fish.
OK, shipmate, take it away!
First name, Susie.
Bye, Dad.
Bye, Susie.
You're beautiful, Susie Salmon.
I was 14 years old when I was murdered.
You're the Salmon girl, right?
On December 6th, 1973.
We didn't find him, Mrs. Salmon.
We're very sorry.
Dad, she is dead, isn't she?

You miss her, don't you?
She's gone.
What if she isn't? What if she is still here?
Grandma, Susie is in the in-between (or “inbetween”,这个小孩相信Susie现在在一个天堂及人间之间的空间里).
I wans't gone. I was alive in my own perfect world. But in my heart, I knew it wasn't perfect. My murderer is still haunting me.

Len.(Len Fenernan是剧中一个detective的名字)
Susie would never go off with a stranger. It had to be someone she knew.
I got a name for you.
This is police work. This is what we do.
My father had the pieces, but he couldn't make them fit.
You had two men in the middle of your house.
I waited for justice, but justice did not come.
You're Salmon girl, right?
There is definitely something wrong with this guy.
Why won't you listen to him?
Because you need evidence; you need proof.

Can't you just leave it alone?
Come on, face me.
Don't be afraid.

相关热词搜索: 影视听力

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