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新东方4+1听力口语MP3-语音语调 Unit3

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Read the following words, while paying to the pronunciation of the ????.
1. far car large charge smart
2. dear clear fear cheer here
3. air dare pear their where
4. for more door pour before
5. sure poor tour cure fewer
6. her turn learn word first
7. fire tired higher liar buyer
8. hour flour shower power tower
9. destroyer employer
1. half ??
2. bath
3. pass
4. sample ?
5. dance
6. calm
7. palm

A. Passage
  After Charles had left the country, he started to farm in Derbyshire. This was different from marching past a sergeant.
  “I can’t play cards now,” thought Charles.“ I can’t go to dances, nor laugh with my comrades-in-arms. But I shan’t break my heart,” he laughed. “ I have a car, and life is sweet and calm.”
B. Dialogue
At a Party
Margaret: Where’s your glass, Barbara?
Barbara: It’s on the bar.
Martin: Barbara, Margaret! Come into the garden! Martha and Charles are dancing on the grass!
Margaret: In the garden? What a laugh!
Barbara: So they are!
Margaret: They are dancing under the stars!
Martin: And Arnold’s playing his guitar.
Barbara: Doesn’t Martha look smart?
Margaret: Look at Charles! What a marvelous dancer!
Barbara: Ah! Let’s take a photograph of Martha and Charles.
Martin: We can’t. It’s too dark.

1. bought ?
2. talk ?
3. ball ?
4. caught ?
5. saw
6. applaud
A. Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation of ?(?.
coffee water caught law
bought boss tall talk
lawyer fought walk ball
cause draw daughter August
saw ought
B. Passage
  One morning in August, at dawn, he rode his horse past the lawn, along the wall to the orchard. “How awful not to have been born,” he called to his daughter. “You fought a war for this,” she thought. Then they walked in the cornfields, and thanked the Lord for their good fortune.
C. Dialogue
A Football Game Sports Report on Channel 4
Announcer: This morning the Horses returned from their game in Boston. Paul
      Short, our sports reporter, was at the airport to meet them.
Paul Short: Good morning. I’m Paul Short. All the football players are walking toward me. Here’s George Small, the halfback. Good morning, George.
George Small: Good morning. Are you a reporter?
Paul Short: Yes. I’m from Channel 4. Please tell our audience what you thought about the game in Boston.
George Small: Well, it was just awful. We lost. The score was 4 to 44. But it wasn’t my fault.
Paul Short: Whose fault was it?
George Small: The forwards.
Paul Short: The forwards?
George Small: Yes, the forwards. They were always falling down or dropping the ball! I think the other team bought them some beer before the match!
D. Little poem
Good morning to all.
Good morning to all who walk,
Good morning to all who crawl,
Good morning to all who soar,
Or swim, good morning I call.
To broad and to small, to short and to tall,
Good morning, good morning to all.
1. cot
2. clock
3. shop
4. box
5. not
6. hot

A. Read the following words, while paying attention to the different pronunciation of ???.
what want wash watch
bottle romise shop job
hot top college pot
B. Passage
   “ I want an Orange Squash. I’m hot. And tell me the time, because my watch has stopped,” John said while wiggling his wrist.
  “ It’s one o’clock,” replied Tom. “And there’s no Orange Squash. All we have in the cupboard is a cough drop.” “ I suppose they’re quality cough drops, then?”
  “ What a lot of rot you talk!”
C. Dialogue
Voice A: What’s the matter, Mr. Block?
Mr. Block: What’s the matter? I want a break from this horrible job of washing
Voice B: Buy a bottle of Starwash, Mr. Block.
Voice C: Starwash does the job.
Voice D: But it’s not a hard job with Starwash.
Voice A: You don’t need lots of hot water with Starwash.
Voice B: Star washing the modern way―with Starwash.
Voice C: Starwash is marvelous for all your washable clothes.
Everybody: Starwash is so popular!
Voice C: Next time you shop, pick up a bottle of Starwash.
D. Little poem
Froggy-boggy sat on a rock.
Froggy-boggy had a great shock.
Froggy-boggy fell off the top.
Into the pond he fell with a plop.
1. Hold the front part of your tongue low in your mouth.
2. Touch the lower front teeth lightly with the tip of your tongue.
3. Lower your jaw and open your lips slightly.
4. Raise the center part of your tongue toward the roof (hard palate)of your mouth (but not touch it).
5. Native speakers often use this sound when they are hesitating. It is usually written “uh”.
1. but
2. touch
3. love
4. blood

重点单词   查看全部解释    
channel ['tʃænl]


n. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法

whale [weil]


n. 鲸
vi. 捕鲸
v. 鞭打,

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

pest [pest]


n. 害虫

liar ['laiə]


n. 说谎者

wrist [rist]


n. 手腕,护腕

sergeant ['sɑ:dʒənt]


n. 中士,巡佐,军士 (法庭或议会等地的)警卫官

pronunciation [prə.nʌnsi'eiʃən]


n. 发音

lawn [lɔ:n]


n. 草地,草坪
n. 上等细麻布

vowel ['vauəl]


n. 母音,元音





